
So my holiday was ace. We sat around all the time doing absolutely nothing, and it was really lovely. We pretty much spent every day by the pool sunbathing and reading, only leaving when we needed to eat or sleep. The sunbathing wasn’t very successful as I stayed white and Tom got horribly burnt. We only went for 4 nights, but it was just the right amount of time, as I think we would have got bored of doing nothing if we’d stayed much longer. As it was, it was perfect.

Been seeing a lot of Tom and our friends. It’s been really nice actually. Tom and I went to a casino to play poker the other week. It was really fun, but unfortunately we didn’t get home until about 2 and I had work the next day. Oops. I had a really good time though and we’re hopefully going again sometime. I’ve been out for a few meals, one with Tom and one with our friends as Kyle has now gone back to Sheffield (I mean it was to say goodbye to him, not we went because he’d gone). We had a party the other week as well. That was fun and I actually drank a little bit(!), although I didn’t really get drunk. We ended up staying up until 6.30 in the morning – I don’t know how I didn’t die. I’ve also been to watch Harry Potter, which I was very excited about. It was OK, but as usual too different to the book. They totally made up a whole scene in the middle for some reason, which was bollocks! But bits of it were really good.

Work’s going fine. We had a really busy week this past week. We had 368 frames in that week, compared to our normal 250. It’s the busiest week I’ve seen since I’ve been there, by miles. We also have a new water cooler, which is very exciting, but means I need to wee all the time as I’m drinking so much more water. I’ve also realised I have 5 more days holiday than I thought I did. Woop! I’m really chuffed about that, just need to figure out what to do with them now. I’m hopefully going to spend one of them going to the Banksy exhibition in Bristol with my parents. I really hope that happens as I’m dying to see it.

I want to do some kind of course with the Open University. I’m thinking of just doing a little short course, probably just one module, but I have no idea what in. I basically want to do it because I miss studying (I’m such a nerd), but I don’t know whether to stick with Psychology/Sociology, or to do something else I’m interested in like English or Philosophy, or whether to do something that might actually be useful like Business or a language. They have so many different courses – I’m hoping I have time at some point today to actually sit down and look through them.

Apart from that I have been playing the Sims a lot and watching the West Wing. Fun fun fun. I have such an exciting life lol.


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