
I thought I’d try a new tactic of writing my monthly entry before it actually gets to the last day of the month. Not sure how long that’ll last, but I’ll give it a try. It was Tom’s birthday yesterday. Unfortunately we both had to work in the daytime, but we spent the evening together. We went out for a meal to a mexican in Worcester. It was really nice, but I was too scared to try anything spicy again so I had my trusty chicken ceaser salad. It was really good, and I even had a few bites of garlic bread as a treat lol. Eating out on a diet is really difficult – I particularly struggle with not having a dessert – it’s horrible! We went back to Tom’s afterwards and played with some of his presents (I got him nothing but stupid jokey type presents, but he seemed quite pleased with them). Tom then tried to make me watch an episode of the West Wing, but I fell asleep halfway through as I was exhausted. I stayed the night, which was nice, but had to leave about half 9 because Tom had work at 10. He’s staying here tonight and then not working til the evening tomorrow, so we should get to see each other quite a bit during the day, which will be lovely.

I can’t seem to type at all at the moment – I’m making loads of typoes right now. Oh well. Don’t know what else to say really. Ffion is moving back home this month – in about a week and a half actually. I’m looking forward to having a friend around, but I do feel bad for her as I know she really didn’t want to move back here. She’s been forced to because she just can’t get a job in Swansea. Makes me realise how lucky I am to have a job at all, even if I don’t enjoy it all the time.

I’m not really sure what I want to do career-wise. I’m not so sure about counselling any more – I just don’t think I’m cut out for it, but who knows, maybe when I’m a bit older. I’ve been thinking about proofreading. It’s something that I’ve always been interested in and thought I’d be good at. I bought a book on it a while ago, but was a bit disappointed to find that I wasn’t as good at the exercises as I expected to be. I love the idea of working from home as well – it really appeals to me, but I have no idea how to get into it. I’m just going to take it slow at the moment, buy some more books and do some more research. I was thinking of trying to do it a bit part-time at the same time as my current job, but don’t know if I’d be able to cope with both. But on the other hand, now is not the time to be chucking in my job and going freelance. We’ll see.

Tom and I have been talking recently about moving in together. It’s difficult because we want to live together, but living at home makes so much more sense at the moment because we can save up so much money. But then, we don’t want to be stuck at home forever. But then if we moved out now we might get stuck in Malvern forever, albeit in our own place. I don’t really know what will happen yet, but it was good to see that if we wanted to do it we could actually afford to do it. Who knows – in a year, we might even have enough saved up to afford a mortgage and really get our own place. Exciting stuff.

I’ve been thinking about buying a treadmill. I’m supposed to be doing the Race for Life in a little over a month and I can’t run at all. I’m so lazy after work when it comes to exercise, but I thought if I had a treadmill I could run in front of Eastenders. I think that would work quite well for me, but Mum’s not too keen on me keeping a treadmill in the living room lol. I have my eye on one. It’s about £290, which is a lot of money in itself, but when you consider that some treadmills cost up to £2000, it’s a bit of a bargain. And it does evertything I want it to – it counts calories and tells you how far you’ve run and all that, and it has different programmes on it, and it folds up when you’re finished so that (in theory) it can just be tucked into the corner until you want to use it again. I really want it, but it’s a lot of money so I’m not sure. I think I’m going to be getting a tax rebate sometime soon so I’m thinking I might buy it then.

I bought a new game for my DS called My Life Coach, which helps you with what you should be eating and how much exercise you should get, etc. I quite like it – it gives you little challenges to do. It also came with a pedometer, which I like the idea of, and it plugs into the Nintendo, which is clever, but it’s enormous so I haven’t really worn it – I couldn’t really wear it to work. I’m thinking I might get a normal size one just to see how many steps I actually take. It’s supposed to be at least 6000 steps a day, but I’m sure I get nowhere near that when I’m at work!

Wow, what a long entry. I think I’ll stop there.


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