
3 – See a Shakespeare play at the theatre (separate to going to the Globe).

Tom and I went to see Twelfth Night at Malvern Theatres last night. I really enjoyed it. Neither of us really knew the story (I did Wikipedia it first, but apart from that…), but it was very enjoyable. It was a comedy, full of mistaken identity and some quite slap-stick scenes, as well as quite a few songs. I didn’t realise before we went, but it was only an amateur cast – the Malvern Theatre Players – but they did a really good job. I particularly liked the fool, although he made a few slip-ups with his lines. He had to sing a lot on his own, which was really good. I also really liked Malvolio – a very funny character and very well played. I found the language a bit of a shock to start with – it’s a long time since I’ve been to see any Shakespeare and I seemed to have forgotten how to understand it a bit, but as it went on I got into it, and had a generally lovely time. Very enjoyable.

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May 2, 2009

Twelfth Night is one of my favorite Shakespeare plays. I saw Measure for Measure the other week- awful. So not worth sitting through. The play itself is just not well done.