so cold!

I’m so fed up with beng freezing cold all the time. Winter sucks, can’t wait for it to start warming up again. Thought I’d better write as I haven’t done for about a month and a half, plus I have to write every month as part of my 101 in 1001 (you can tell how well that’s going by the fact that I’ve left it til the last day of the month to write – oh well!).

Hmm, where to start. Well, my job’s going well. I actually really enjoy what I do and like the people I work with (apart from their racist tendencies, which is less than ideal). I was anxious about my boss leaving, but it’s actually been fine. Steve is just as able to help me with the things I don’t know about and we’ve just got a new girl in to replace Jerry, and she’s really good too. At the moment Steve is away in Jamaica for 2 and a half weeks, which was a little scary, but we’ve just finished the first week without him and it went fine so I feel a lot more positive about it now. Plus I got paid yesterday, which helped. I’m actually out of my overdraft at the moment – it’s just a shame I need to start my Christmas shopping soon!

I actually did a little bit yesterday, but as I don’t really know what I intend to get for anyone, I ended up buying mostly random crap. Someone I work with gave me a voucher to get 20% off at Woolworths for this weekend only so I went in there with the soul intention of spending it. I went in, found some suff, took it to the till – it came to about 16/17 pounds, paid for it, and completely forgot to give them the voucher, so that went realy well!

I’ve nearly finished my counselling course – it’s the last session this coming Thursday. I’m quite sad to be at the end as I really have loved it, but I certainly won’t miss the drive and I feel quite glad in a way that it’s over. We have to write and read out a learning statement next week, which I feel a little scared about, mostly because they haven’t given us much of an idea what to talk about and I’m worried of saying completely different things to everyone else. The guy who runs the Certificate and Diploma at Warwick came in to talk to us and absolutely terrified me by talking about how intense and difficult the courses are. He told us all about how you need to be really OK with yourself and how you’ll learn so much about yourself and change as a person and how 40% of relationships break up because the person doing the course changes so much. I also found out that at Warwick you can only apply to do the Certificate if you are 23 or older. This doesn’t affect me as I don’t intend to do the course at Warwick, but it did make me question whether I’m really old enough to do it – maybe I need to get some more life experience first. He also said that the funding for the course is changing, which means – at Warwick – that they’re changing the title of the course to a BA in Counselling, but I’m slightly concerned that it may mean that at Sheffield Hallam (where I want to do the course) it will just cost an absolute fortune. Or maybe they’ll stop doing it altogther. So I left that session feeling quite disheartened – actually more terrified and devastated – but I feel a bit happier about it now. I mean, I always knew it would be a tough course, and I figure I may as well apply and see what happens – I can always change my mind later.

Apart from that my life is fairly uneventful. I don’t see Tom as much as I would like, but we’re getting on really well at the moment. We went for a lovely meal on Friday night and then I stayed over and it was just really nice. It’s lovely when we do see each other, I just wish it could happen more often.

We saw Ffion last night – she came home from Swansea for the weekend. She’s finally got a job. It was nice to see her and it made me realise how much I’m looking forward to our friends coming home for Christmas. I’m lucky in that I get about a week and a half off for Chrsitmas so I’m really looking forward to that. It will also give me a chance to see Tom more, which will be nice.

I think I’ve run out of things to say. I don’t really do any exciting things any more. I think work makes me lazy because I get home in the evening and just want to sit in front of the tv. Oh well, I think I’ve written more than enough so I shall leave it there.


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