ho hum

I really can’t be bothered to write in here, but I know I should otherwise I will never write anything about my new job or my birthday. So, started work on Monday and I think it’s going pretty well. I have had to take in an unbelievable amount of stuff – there is so much to learn and I’m sure I’m not even halfway there yet. Using the system itself is fairly straightforward, but all the details are more tricky. But I have processed many many windows this week, as well as doors, patios, conservatories, roofs, french doors, etc, etc. This week I was being trained by the guy who I’m replacing, but from tomorrow I will have to get on with it on my own so it’ll be interesting to see how that goes.

My birthday was really nice. I had to work, which was a bit upsettibng and also a bit weird as I have never worked on my birthday before, but there was nothing that could be done as it was only my second day. Mum and Dad bought me a tomtom and a cross-sitch, both of which are fit. We went for a meal in the evening – me, Tom, mum and dad, and Tom’s mum and sister. For some reason the restaurant wouldn’t let us go at any kind of normal time so we had to book the table for 5 o’clock and I had to go straight from work so I was a bit late. But it was a lovely meal; the food was really good and it was really nice to have Tom’s mum and sister there as our 2 families never really get together. Tom’s family got me loads of presents, including a lovely new charm for my bracelet. Tom got me a gorgeous necklace – a little silver heart with diamonds on it. It looks expensive – I hope he didn’t spend too much on me! He also got me some posh chocolates so I was very content. I also got loads of texts and facebook messages saying happy birthday which was really nice.

My course went well again this week. I was a bit nervous about having to leave straight after work to drive there and I was worried I would be late, but the journey was absolutely fine and I actually got there about half an hour early. The session itself was good as well; we were talking about how to define counselling and how to differentiate it from other forms of helping. Next week we’re going to start learning some theory, which I’m looking forward to. I also got to try out my new tomtom, which was sexy and does so many clever things; I’m very impressed with it.

Tom’s got a job! He’s now working in a hotel. It seems quite good, as he’s getting trained to do waiting work, and work in the bar, as well as reception work, etc. Although he doesn’t know how much he’s getting paid yet lol and I’m concerned he’s going to be doing a lot of evening shifts, which would mean I would never see him. But overall, I’m very proud of him and pleased for him. We’re both working people now!

I finally finished the cross-stitch I was doing and it looks really good. I’ve started another one – the Eeyore one I’m doing for Chris’s birthday, but it’s causing me all sorts of problems at the moment. Oh well, I’m sure it’ll be fine.

I’m really tired today; couldn’t sleep at all last night.

Well, I’ve run out of things to say, but it’s taken me a surprisingly long time. I can’t believe how much I’ve wrtten considering I couldn’t be bothered to write at all.


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