
28 – Buy a new handbag.

Here is my gorgeous new bag:

I bought it yesterday from Debenhams for £37. It is made by Fiorelli, it’s black leather and it’s quite a big bag. I love it. I have always wanted a bag like this, but have never before been able to justify spending that much money to get a handbag made by anyone half decent. As I now have a job I thought I coud treat myself. It was partially necessary as the handbag I use on a daily basis is beginning to get very worn out and did really need replacing. I also wanted a bag big enough that I can fit everything in it when I go to work and when I go to my course. I’m so pleased I found this as I was beginning to give up hope of ever finding anything that would fit everything in but didn’t look cheap. This was exactly what I was looking for. (I would also like to point out that I did show some restraint as I saw another bag that I really wanted as well, but I knew I couldn’t justify buying it, so I may have to treat myself with my first pay cheque).

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