
42 – Go for a meal at Ask in Malvern.

Ask is a chain of Italian restaurants. There is one in Worcester, but we don’t go there very often becuse of the effort associated with getting into Worcester. And then they opened an Ask in Malvern, which I was very excited about, but while everyoe else talked about going there I hadn’t managed to all summer and really wanted to. Well, last night, 8 of us went there for a meal. It was partly to celebrate Rob’s very belated birthday, which was especially good as his mum gave him a hundred pounds towards the bill and as a result I got a meal for a fiver. It was also to say goodbye to Westy and Ben who both leave tomorrow, Ben to go into his final year of his degree and Westy to start a PhD. I had the chicken ceaser salad, which was lovely. Dessert was problematic as I wanted one of everything. Chris and I ordered a cheesecake each (one honeycomb, one lemon) and had half of each others, and they were both delicious. I also tried some of Ben’s sorbet, which was amazing. So that’s my first experience of Ask in Malvern, and very positive it was too.

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