
89 – Get my cribbage rating up to 1400 on Game Colony.

Game Colony is a website that I discovered when I was looking for somewhere to play crib online. You can play a number of different games on there, mostly card games, where you play against one other opponent at a time. You start off with a set rating for each game (*doesn’t want to admit that that rating may well be 1400*) and it changes according to whether you win or lose. It is also related to who you play, so if you lose against someone with a low rating you will lose a lot of points, and if you beat someone with a good rating you gain a lot of points. My rating always just went up and down, but some people had amazing ratings so I figured it must be possible to be more consistent and improve my rating. I have been trying to do this consistently since I wrote this list and I’ve actualy really struggled with it – the amount of times I got up to 1390-something was ridiculous. But I finally made it last night. As proof, here is a terrible photo I took of my computer screen (it took me ages to get one that good). If you look very closely in the purple rectangle you can see my user name (lmh35) and a number next to it that says 1401 (my rating).


So that was quite a big achievement for me, but I think I prefer playing for fun. I think all the people with ridiculous ratings think about it too much – they will all refuse to play anyone with a bad rating for fear of losing too many points, which seems a bit sad to me – I’d rather just play.

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