you can’t dance and stay uptight

zanzibar last night, the first shag of the year lol, and its andy’s birthday today so we were going to celebrate that, unfortunately it was a foam party, im never going to one of those again, it was awful, i was all sticky and it went up my nose and in my mouth and my hair was just one big knot, it was horrible, but the night was gd, there was lots of drunken-ness, particularly andy and matt, matt did 10 sambuca shots  he was completely off his face, and andy was so wasted, everyone was pretty drunk actually, it was quite fun

something quite exciting happened last night, one of our friends came out to me n tom (no name cuz noone else in leicester knos yet, not that ne1 reads this, but still), he was really drunk and telling me n tom how much he loved us, and when we were queueing outside the club to get in he just said ‘can i tell u guys something… its quite big… im actually gay’

we were both completely shocked lol, i think he was a bit surprised cuz he thought he was pretty camp, and actually, he has a point, but the first time i met him he had a girlfriend so there was just no question that he wasnt straight

he was dancing next to me last night and turned to me at one point and said ‘it all makes sense now doesnt it?’ lol and yeh, it all does, he has so many stereotypically gay characteristics, he dresses too well, dances too well, cares too much about his appearance, works out loads lol, and the way he is with girls, if he sees any girls he knows he’ll go up to them, hug, kiss, ‘u look great’, start dancing with them, i just assumed he was an awful flirt, but actually thats exactly what i do when i see my friends lol

he kept asking me n tom if we were ok with it, yeh of course we are! honestly, if i wasnt with tom i might be a bit gutted to learn hes not straight lol but other than that, it doesnt make any difference lol, except that im so happy he felt he could tell me, i feel really priveleged that he trusted us enough to tell us, we’re the first ppl he told in leicester too, his friends at home kno but he hasnt come out to his parents yet

its just so weird, i cant quite get my head around it, he said he knew he was gay since he was like 7 and i just never even considered that he might be

im so glad he told us tho, and he was so affectionate the whole night, i got lots of hugs and kisses, he said i was his favourite too  lol, hes such a lovely guy, ive always adored him, its nice to kno he feels close to me too

andy hates mike now, mike put an egg under andy’s pillow (what a twat), i wasnt impressed so i told raj to tell andy to check in between his pillows before he went to sleep, unfortunately raj forgot lol but luckily andy found it anyway, its now rotting in andy’s room ready to be moved into mikes, i dnt think i’ll tell mike…

anyway, twas a gd night despite the foam


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October 3, 2006

I’ve worked at a couple of foam parties before, operating the cannons is fun, cleaning the goo up afterwards is not! 😀