about my day and how i’m feeling…

this is really an entry for tommy because i dnt kno what to write

but he wants me to so i am

ive had a lovely day today; i had to go to the doctors this afternoon and spoke to tom about an hour before i had to leave; he wasnt going to see me before i went, which i understood but was a bit disappointed about

i told him that i would’ve liked to have seen him and that i missed him, but we decided we’d see each other afterwards instead

he rang me bak a few minutes later n asked if he could come round cuz he was bored and he missed me

so he came round for a while and that was nice, then i had to go to the doctors, i walked home afterwards, which was gd cuz i havent done nearly enough exercise recently, and i got to use tom’s ipod

[incidently, im thinking i want an ipod shuffle, it’s quite a lot of money for me tho, i think i might ask my parents as a sort of ‘finishing my first year at uni’ present]

then i went straight to toms, instead of coming here

i just lay around really, went to sleep for a while and had some food there (none of my friends that i live with are here atm so im not going to dinner lol), it was nice, really nice to see tommy

then i had to go home because tommy’s hall had a formal meal that night and they had to leave to go to it; i felt a lil sad that i couldnt stay with tommy and thought it would be a long time before i got to see him again

but actually i had quite a nice time here; went to pick up chris’s birthday present, which is massive, but looks wicked, and also a led zeppelin cd, then listened to the cd as i did some sewing

it was nice and relaxing

then tommy rang me cuz his meal was over, and we decided to go to asda, went there and bought loads of crap, and used the new self-scan thing, which was fun but quite complicated, then walked bak together

tom went to put his stuff in his room and get me a fork (which he forgot! grr ) then came round here again

and he’s still here now, ive spend loads of time with him today and its been really nice

i feel happy


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July 29, 2006

RYN: here’s the website 🙂 http://www.selfcreation.com/awareness/using_questions.htm <3 I like it alot!