why are ppl so awful?

had a lecture today about obedience to authority and in it we looked at all the awful things ppl have done because they were ‘following orders’. there was this psychological test conducted by milgram where he gave them instructions to give electric shocks to someone to see how far they’d go and 2 thirds of the participants went all the way to potentially fatal shocks, going thru stages where the other person was screaming in agony and begging them to stop to when there was complete silence (obviously the shocks werent real and it was all an act but the participants didnt kno that). i dnt understand how he was allowed to conduct that experiment, it was before the time of ethics admittedly and he didnt think ne1 would do it but he did conduct more experiments along the same lines after he found out just how many ppl did do it. how did he get away with that? and apparently 84% were glad to have taken part. i dnt think i would ever getting over knoing i was capable of doing something like that. id like to think i wouldnt do it, that id just say no, but everyone thought that, 65%, its a lot of ppl. its scary. i wish that i could believe that people are basically nice and good and do the right thing, and that all the bad things that happen are the fault of society, that ppl only commit crimes because society doesnt give them any choice, or because they are mentally ill, and to a degree i do think that is true, but its so hard not to believe that some ppl are just essentially bastards. and its so scary what ppl get away with. how do such scary ppl end up in charge of countries. i mean, clearly hitler was mad, the fact that he wanted to create a new race, that he wanted to completely wipe out an old one, he was clearly not very well, the fact that he managed to do what he wanted is just mind-boggling. i was reading a book and it describes the president of kazakhstan i think who is clearly nutty as a fruit cake. he renamed the country and everything in it including bread and days of the week after himself and his late mother. and hes not a very nice man. how is he in charge of the country? its insane the things that we just accept in our world, theres so much cruelty, so much madness, guantanamo bay is allowed to exist, ppl are starving to death while there are ppl in our part of the world who have so much money they dnt kno what to do with it all, its disgusting, it makes me so sad that our world is like that, it could be so good, we could make things right and we’re just too lazy and greedy and selfish to bother. its terrible. and this sounds like im just blaming everyone else, this isnt to say i dnt include myself in this, i dnt do anything to make it better

i wouldnt kno where to start…

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