i’m just a fool whose intentions are good

oh lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood

got my results yesterday for the exams i did in january. got 74 in introductory psych, 71 in practical, 86 in approaches, and 69 in sociology. so that’s 3 1sts and then one 2:1 that’s one mark away from being a 1st. both my parents groaned when i told them that, can’t say i’m that disappointed myself tho  so those are the best marks ive had so far, yay. and everyone i know passed as well so double yay

i’ve hurt my leg; it feels like ive pulled a muscle and ive no idea how. the only thing i can think is that it might be from sex because that’s the only energetic thing i did all week, and really it wasnt that energetic, surely i wouldnt pull a muscle doing it (lol k8). so yeh, it hurts a lot, and it seems to hurt in about 10 different places. and every so often it stops hurting and then it starts again and seems to hurt even more. hope it gets better soon, im fed up with it. im walking with a limp lol

i went home at the weekend, it was really nice. unlike last term i didnt go because my friends were going (none of them were at home), i just went to see my mummy and daddy. it was lovely, im glad i went. daddy and i went to the theatre and saw quite a gd play, it was tunes of glory (i think), some war thing that wasnt really our sort of thing, but it was well done. then mummy, daddy and i all went out for a meal in the evening and that was reeeeally nice altho i got far too full, and then we went up to the lamb and played trivial pursuit lol. so apart from all the usual problems with getting home on the train it was a really lovely weekend

ive been meaning to start going to the gym cuz im not really getting to any of my aerobics (a combination of bad timetabling, the classes changing and my own laziness) so i figure if i get an induction at the gym i can go whenever i want which will hopefully mean that i will occassionally do some exercise. the trouble is that i dnt wanna do the induction by myself cuz i’ll feel like an idiot. tom said he’d do it with me (eventually) but then i just wouldnt want to go to the gym by myself so that doesnt really help. and then i get upset that i have noone to go with –> that i have noone to do anything with –> that i have no friends, so meh, its not really happening atm, especially as i have hurt my leg

i talked to kate the other day for the first time in ages, it was really nice to spk to her but i feel bad cuz she has all this stuff going on in her life that i didnt even kno about, i feel crap that i havent been there for her and even now that i kno there’s not really anything i can do

cant think of much else to say, sorry this entry’s a bit rushed, ive gotta go get my washing out the drier soon, then i have to go to asda with tommy, then i have mountains of work im sposed to be doing today  <– (that’s me working)

ok, byebye then


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February 21, 2006

Hey babe, I’m glad your weekend went well, next time I’m going home will be the weekend after my birthday. Don’t worry about me babe, I always muddle through things eventually, it’s just been a bit of a shitty time, but things are sort of starting to look up already. I have SOOOO much work to do it’s not even funny, so I think I’m gonna write and entry and then do that! FUN! Love ya, k8 xxx