Long Time, No See

Well hello there! It’s been awhile. Last time I was here I had just finished my freshman year of high school and now I am a sophomore in college. Oh how things have changed since then. So far I only have access to my last ten entries and ten on another diary I had here and it is so weird to look back on the mindset I had then. I have grown so much as a person and I sure am thankful for that!

I found OD originally through my best friend who used it and for three-ish years we both documented our lives here. I had downloaded my diaries before it closed down, but I never backed it up or saved it anywhere other than on my laptop. When it broke I was devastated because all of those years of my life in writing were lost. So you can imagine my reaction to the email saying OD was back up and I could reclaim my diary! I won’t lie, there were tears involved. It has been a couple days now and the rest still hasn’t been restored but I am sure there were many others like me who immediately jumped at the chance to reclaim their lost diaries, so it’s probably slow.

I’m not sure if I’m going to stay or not. On one hand, I worry that I won’t use it and the membership fee I’d be paying would ultimately be wasted. But on the other hand, I have really missed having this outlet. Even typing this right now, the memories of the catharsis that writing on here brings have come flooding back and it feels so good to do this. I’m glad I have 30 days to figure it out, but right now I’m leaning towards staying.

I’ll give you a little update on my life, not that anyone but me and my best friend will see this. I am currently getting my associate’s degree at a community college, but I will be returning to a private 4-year college in the Fall (I attended there my freshman year). My parents graciously covered my first year so there was no question of going there at first, but I have to pay for my last three years of school. Once I started realizing how much it cost, I decided to make the financially smart decision and take a year-long leave of absence to get my associate’s. Living at home and taking classes online has allowed me to consistently work 30 hours a week, pay for school as I go this year (no loans!), and save a decent amount of money. It’s not been the most fun and I miss my school so much, but I will be back in just five short months. I’ll unfortunately have to cut back on my hours at work, but I am so excited to get to start taking psych classes again instead of just gen-eds.

Speaking of my job, I work at an insurance brokerage. I don’t know what my official title would be, but I basically do administrative work. I answer the phones, scan and send policy service, enter quote requests into our database, etc. I also sometimes get to work on reconciling commissions, which is one of my favorite things to do. It was originally what I was hired to do, but there grew to be other needs and I agreed to just help out wherever I could and wherever I was needed. My job has really shifted a lot in the last ten months of working here. If you’re wondering how a 20-year-old is working at an insurance brokerage, it’s because my mom works there. It’s a small company and they have had the children of multiple employees work there at some point or another. They need help with things here and there and since we really are like a family, they like to help us when they can by providing an amazing working experience. Originally it was supposed to be just that – work experience. But lately they have been showing an interest in hiring me full-time after I graduate. I hadn’t really ever considered it but I really love working here and I know they would treat me well. So who knows.

There is so much more to say, but this is long enough as it is so I will leave it here for now. I will write again soon.

Wow… I missed this.

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March 15, 2018

Welcome back! It’s nice that you live the place you work!