



 I never realised my last update was in January. I used to be on here practically every day.

I’ve moved !! I got a new flat in March so I got myself out of the hell hole flat asap. This flat was scary when I first viewed it. Needed carpeted and painted but I’m glad I can finally say I have I love my flat. The other 2 never really felt like home .. but here does.

Me and Gordon stayed in a hotel in Glasgow for his birthday 2 weeks ago. CitizenM hotel. Oh it was brilliant. We just went for something to eat, a few drinks and back in the room for 7pm. 

The boys are doing good. Nathan is really enjoying nursery. He’s really come out his shell. Although the talking back .. I am not a fan of!

Lucas is good. When we moved I decided it was time for him to start sleeping in his own bed and to stop Breastfeeding him. It was basically a case of pulling the rug from under his feet but I reckon the move helped big time with getting him into his own bed. The tantrums have started. Its not fun when one kid starts it then the other joins in.

They are cute though. Its scary Lucas will be 2 in August and Nathan is 3 years old already. 

Its my mums birthday next month, Im so excited for her present. It got delivered the other day and it was one of those things where the picture didnt do it justice. Its a memory box, with patterns and daisy’s on it. Inked onto it im sure. It looks amazing, I just need to print some photos to put in it and maybe order a couple bits and peices for it too. Some random stuff. I also got her a big bottle of perfume, Marc Jacobs – Sunshine. Its a new one so Im hoping she’ll love it since she loved the Daisy perfume.








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