Way Away

Lately the world has been dark and dreary

With only tears from the sky singeing flesh as they fell

Yesterday was a long awaited relief from a watery hell.


The sun beat down on exposed flesh — boiling skin and baking bones,

and I welcomed it.

I’ve longed for the heat… 

For the light.

For a reason to leave.


So I traveled to two of my favorite places.

With the only person in the world who knows who I am.

Waded through creeks and stood in a waterfall…

rinsing my soul of gloom and rotten intentions.

Escaped my concrete existence for an atmosphere of nature.

All I could see was empty space… untouched by human hands.

And it was all mine.


I suddenly felt real again. 

Whole again.

And I can’t imagine ever returning to my previous state — sickened, lonesome, artificial. 


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May 15, 2011

God such a lovely entry. Sounds like such a beautiful time 🙂

i cant help but read into that you never emailed me back and apologies if this is stepping a line maybe i should read into things more instead of being creepy.. though, that is never my intent anyways glad to hear you had a great weekend ..i’ll leave you alone, i suppose

May 17, 2011

anytime :p and YUSSS!! you going to it in Tinley park? btw, did you like the song i wrote for John?

May 17, 2011

haha damn, it wuolda been cool to see you at the one by me :p Thank you 😀 noone likes me singing rofl. i jsut posted to new videos in an entry. very crappily done, the problem is i never practice before making a video. Ps, that would mean the world to me 😀

my paranoia gets the best of me and i fear as though the nature of how i approached you made things.. for lack of a better term.. creepy regardless.. so be it also.. uh.. it kinda has a lot to do with my sexual experiences/activity and personal view of self if you want further details.. i guess i would share

hey hey hey ..hey now lets not get fiesty no one trusts anymore.. least of all through the interwebz just saying also.. dead wrong you can be terribly anti-social and sleep with people the problem in my case is that i am and i’m not just cause i wrote something ****ty doesn’t mean i’m getting any ass.. because believe you me if that were true i would be chin deep… i wish..

thankfully i have gotten some ass.. though its been forever and i wish i was getting some currently.. regardless.. also yes, tenfold, nothing ever comes out correct through text.. there should be a sarcasm font..