
 I had been doing so well.

The darkness that consumed the past fading away…

My heart, wrapped in cellophane and frozen in a block of ice,

was melting, losing the layers and layers of protection built up from months and months of trying to fix what was broken.

The sun beams upon me, and I do not burn.

I welcome the light…. 

but even on the warmest of days.

I’m still cold. 



I’m playing the cards right because I know what I need to say.

What I should be feeling.

The truth is that I’m numb. 

Stuck with  indifference…. because of a fear of being hurt?

Or a lack of even knowing how to care anymore….

Because it’s been so long since I’ve been that innocent.

To love purely, without restraint.

To hope wholly, without doubt.

To believe always, without fail.

I don’t want to be that girl again. I can’t be….

But I long for the freedom of feeling…. 

The beauty of love, the pain of longing, the fire of a heartbeat.


I feel nothing. 

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September 23, 2010

Well, I found that falling in love the first time does not feel the same ever again. I felt I found something actually that exceeded the first time with Shayla, but it took 13 years to find that. And who knows where that stands right now so that’s tough to comment on. Fear cripples. You just have to decide if you’re even ready for another relationship. Most think they are but aren’t close.

September 23, 2010

My views are pretty strong. When you’re with someone or care for them so deeply and they affect you on such an intense level it takes a very long time to move on and be ready to truly embrace someone else.. If things truly are done with Shayla it may take me 6 months to a year for me to be ready to truly be with someone else and give them all of me..

September 23, 2010

Parts so often are stored for someone else.. or you’re conflicted.. or the emotions for one guy or girl bleed into the feelings for the next guy or girl.. It’s tough to understand.. And falling in love is such a rare thing. I’m 32 and it’s happened to me all of 4 times.. You’ll likely discover this as you gain experience and learn more how you fit with people.

September 23, 2010

Falling in love is so beyond emotions and feelings it is a confluence of fit, personality, goals, standards, beliefs, and so much more.. I hope things work out for you.

September 24, 2010

I hope you find a way to let yourself feel something… hope you’re doing alright.

September 24, 2010

Being icy cold is the efficient way to get through days. While true that you might get called out for being cold-heart’ed, an ice queen/king, etc. it’s just because of idiots who keep bouncing around day by day like leaves in the wind and leave nothing of value behind. People love hearing “the right thing” and truth told I doubt any of them actually care about the “truth” and I’ve talked aboutthis so often- the truth to them is whatever lie sounds best. It makes a truth spoken for all purposes a lie and a lie for all practical purposes… true. What a messed up concept, but an unfortunate state of reality. That said, I still keep a warm smile on my face. I guess it is because its the morally right thing to do… even if its not the easiest or best thing for me to do when all you actually want to do is let winter come and cover the world in cold white purity. You really need to make the option for private notes… ~R

September 25, 2010

RYN: it is you. ~R

September 25, 2010

I noticed you are not an OD+ member. I was wondering if you would enjoy a subscription as a little gift from me to you, from one ice-bound soul to another. Let me know. ~R

September 26, 2010

Don’t hate on watermelon! Properly chilled and cubed it is delightful! 😀 I wasn’t suggesting you didn’t know the feeling at all! Sometimes I just start talking and get carried away. In the end, for all of us the only true proper perspective is the eventuality of time I have found. That shows us what we need know. Are you doing okay? Is everything alright?

September 26, 2010

What’s the rough patch? You alright? How is it tougher than it should be?

September 26, 2010

I still cannot leave private notes m’lady. Don’t feel bad about accepting a gift. RYN- I’m totally self taught for the past few years, then I took some culinary classes for better cooking. Flaming pan flips were not a part of the course however, that is trial and unfortunately flaming errors. I’ve not set myself on fire though!