ex lovers and unspoken thank yous

Thank you, boy…

For destroying my world — forcing me to realize I had the strength to rebuild it all. 

Brick by brick.

For bringing color back to my black and white world — igniting passions long dormant.

For coaxing me out of my age of innocence and into the adult world — a world where the persistence of ambition is the only way to succeed.

And you are living, breathing proof with your undying, unfailing passion for your dream.

For proving to me the artistry in falling in love, but also for the torture of surrendering the heart.

For showing me the beauty and ecstasy of two people becoming one — for in those moments, I couldn’t have felt more whole.

For breathing life into my eccentricities — and helping me understand they should be embraced, not masked.

For letting me go, with my hardest goodbye when I asked you to.

And for asking me to return to you…. the one and only time.


These days, I’m often left trapped in the wonderings of he said she said and how it all adds up in the end.

And the truth is that it doesn’t.

It never will.

But now it doesn’t have to. I know what I felt.

Passion. Happiness. Undying, unconditional love.

Your convoluted words change none of that, and they never will.

For this discovery has led me to perhaps the most important awakening.

I don’t need you anymore.

I don’t need you anymore.






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June 24, 2010

Drunk many times, huh? When did you start drinking? Joe Rogan. I’ve got several mp3s of his standup routine. He’s hilarious. The best. He used to be on a funny sitcom called NewsRadio before Phil Hartman’s wife killed him. Hartman was an amazing comedian on SNL. Anyway, Joe went on to host Fear Factor and he’s into martial arts and calls the UFC MMA fights. I’m a fan. 🙂

June 24, 2010

Wait, so now I gotta go find the music? You’re not going to just share with me? That sounds like effort.. *ponders* I dunno.. it better be worth listening to.. lol.

June 24, 2010

This certainly speaks to a realization. Sort of that epiphany. One moment where the feelings are still there, the pain still present, but there’s no longer defeat on the horizon, but rather hope in the heart.

June 24, 2010

Brick by Brick.. I totally wrote a poem years ago titled that.. makes me wanna go find it. heh.

June 24, 2010

boys can cause such chaos…

June 24, 2010

Eh, my old poem isn’t very good. It was back when I was very very formulaic. My poetry has evolved. I used rhyme schemes back then! Ugh! Kinda sucks because I’d probably love to write it again but write it completely differently but with the same brick by brick imagery interlaced throughout.

June 24, 2010

Proof that six years can improve someone’s writing dramatically: http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=A875068&entry=20038&mode=date Yikes.

June 25, 2010