Not Much, So Popcorn Pics!**

Well, not much has been going on that would merit writing an entire entry. I finished the IOP classes, and now am being pressured to sign up for at least three more things to take their place. Not happy. I’m having yet another problem tooth happen, and am hitting a brick wall as to trying to get it taken care of. Apparently, even though there’s still a few hundred left of my approved amount (for indigents), that money is basically just “gone” because their fiscal years is from July 1 to June 30. I’m going to appeal it later this morning, to try to get at least this one tooth taken care of before it gets too bad. I’ve lost every tooth they’ve tried to work on, but I really have nowhere else to go. I’m working hard through the grief over Mickey. The letter of the previous entry did a lot to help me on my way. Other than those things, not much else, really, at least nothing earth-shattering. So I’ll just share some Popcorn pictures, before I take her to the vet this morning for her wellness check and rabies booster, as well as a nail trim. That’ll be about $80 that I can sorely afford to shell out. But we’ve gotta do right by our babies, you know. Plus, she needs to be licensed in order for me to keep her in this apartment (new rule), and to get that license I have to have her rabies shot. I already bought myself an extra month, but now have to have it done, like, right away. The budget inoculation clinic isn’t until October. So, well… it’s gonna be hell this morning, trying to get her into the carrier. But we’ll get it done.

And now, w/o further ado, I give you, Popcorn The Gorgeous!!!

Sound asleep!

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July 11, 2013

adorable. xx,

July 11, 2013

She is gorgeous! Congrats on the class and good luck finding help with that tooth.

July 11, 2013

She knows she’s the queen!

July 11, 2013

I love the one in the pop can box! I should open one up like that for Violet and see what she does. 🙂

July 13, 2013

Oooow sounds horrible! Hope they get a jump on this! She looks like a skinny peekaboo my moms cat I gave her from Hawaii yrs ago.