My life in bullet points

I just got back from a conference in New Orleans. A friend of mine tagged me in this lovely article, citing a post from someone at the same conference. I guess I just wasn’t sexy enough, definitely my reason for going. Or maybe he just missed my poster. In other news: New Orleans sort of smelled, and it was a quick trip. Going with someone 30 years my senior wasn’t exactly a blast, either. I’d really like to go back and experience the city with people my own age. Or even my Dad. He sounded disappointed that I didn’t go to a lot of places.

I think I’m officially becoming a hippie scientist. I mean, it’s been coming towards me — what, with researching the effects of plant/naturally occurring compounds on HIV neurodegeneration. But now I’m going to be writing roughly 100 pages on the therapeutic potential of a handful of natural compounds on cocaine addiction. It didn’t really hit me until I printed out the US Alternative Medicine pamphlet. I’m also really dreading writing it — although it *sounds* interesting, actually formulating a coherent 100 page document [in 8 weeks] is going to be really hard. Hopefully, some of this will lead into my dissertation; that is, if I actually pass my comprehensive exams (this paper + 2 hour Q&A with 4 professors).

Living with Greg is great. It’s nice to come home to someone every day and have someone sleeping by my side every night. We found a new apartment way closer to campus. I don’t think I’ve ever been more in love with an apartment — it was built in the 1930s and has all these pretty old-y details with a gorgeous updated kitchen. Can’t wait to move in. I love him so much — and I’m so excited to start a new adventure with him.

Greg got into the masters of accounting program here. He doesn’t officially start the masters part until next year, but he’s been accepted (as long as he maintains a certain GPA). I’ve never been with someone I admire so much — He’s so dedicated once he decides he wants something. He worked so hard to do well on the GMAT in order to secure a spot here and to get excellent grades in the accounting classes he was taking on top of his IT classes. 

I’m sure there’s about 80 things I’m forgetting, but I should probably get back to doing work.

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October 23, 2012

all that sciencey stuff… didn’t make any sense to me at all. buttttt i am excited for you to move! i want to see pics of the new place ASAP. and i want to meet greg!!

October 24, 2012

RYN: Because she’s foul?

October 25, 2012

You’re so smart, goodness. Good luck on that paper. I do sort of miss writing papers if only for the sense of accomplishment when you’re finished. I’m jealous of your new apartment. I love old details in houses and apartments. I would never want to live in a brand new house. Is that weird?

January 18, 2013

Old apartments can be nice. Those papers sound kinda boring, but I figure they’re needed to secure a position and status and all that, and they do serve a purpose. I just don’t think I could write one