2012 Resolutions

So I don’t think I’ve ever seriously written any resolutions I’ve ever made. I generally don’t seriously make resolutions, either. Except last year I resolved to ‘lose weight’ and well, I dropped 20lbs (which I’m sticking to regardless of what the damn scale says after the weeks of holiday binging I just did). So now I’m getting a little ambitious and I’m going to write them down and attempt to stick to them:

1. Lose my final 20lbs or feel confident in a bikini. Whichever comes first.

          -I’ve come to realize that all my working out has made me leaner looking, but heavier on a scale (I weigh about 10lbs more than I did in high school, but fit into the same or smaller sizes). So the weight thing is relative.

2. Be more positive and try to remain grateful for all that I have in my life. I’m lucky to have such amazing friends, family, and opportunities. I need to remember that more often.

3. Kick my comprehensive exams’ asses.

4. Practice yoga at least 4 times a week. Every day is what I really want to say, but I’m kind of doubting that could be a reality.

So let’s hope 2012 is a good one. Oh yeah, and I’ll be a quarter of a century old in 11 days. Gag.


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