Please send thoughts or prayers.

So I found out today that M had a heart attack last night. He’s in critical condition in ICU, but apparently made it through surgery alright. I’m not particularly religious, but could all of you out there pray to your particular deity or send good thoughts his way. 

As much as M can get on my nerves at times, I’ve come to think of him as a sort of lab-dad. Not to mention his wife, the other M, would be a mess (as I’m sure she already is) without him. I’ve never met a couple that so completely matches each other, it’s sort of like watching two halves of the same person. I feel foolish for asking you all to send out your thoughts and prayers, but there is very little I can do for them.

Thanks in advance.

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June 24, 2011

What do you do it’s true. I appreciate your efforts to help him. Let’s hope he get well. Make him think positive and optimistic that he could be more eager to live a life of cruel (because of illness). You can give him something that he likes it or realize a dream that had he wanted to accomplish. I’m also sorry that I just can give you this.Good luck and Buddha bless you(I’m a Buddhist anyway).:D

June 25, 2011

my moon god has received the message.