Back to the grind.

Three weeks later, I have officially started all of my classes. Because of the snow/ice and MLK day, I haven’t had to go to my monday class. So today I finally went. It seems like it will be helpful enough. I mean, what can be more helpful than a class where they literally show you had to do lab techniques? First stop: Real time PCR. I’m glad that K still has some samples hanging around downstairs that I can steal and use for my "lab report". My other class, which is ‘taught’, by my mentor should be easy enough. 2 presentations and attempting to write another publishable paper. Not so bad. Also useful. And my last class is solely focused on writing a publishable paper. Which I should be working on the introduction for right now. Don’t feel like it.

In more frustrating news: I still have no department. The snow also canceled the meeting where they ‘vote’ on me. Also, because people here are relatively incompetent, I have been dropped from all my courses. My tuition abatement never appeared in my account for me to pay tuition, so the school naturally dropped me for lack of payment. So last week I had to drive around town getting signatures from the professors in the classes I’m taking. If my classes were all on this campus, it would not have been so annoying. However, I had to drive out to the med school. Pain in the ass. The secretary said she could get the last signature for me when I gave her the paper. Lo and behold, because of the aforementioned department identification issues she couldn’t. So now I have to drive back to the med school and hunt down the biomed director and hope that he signs it. I also hope that he calls the psych department and tears them a new asshole. However, I don’t feel like driving there today since I just had class there this morning. So I’ll do it tomorrow. Or maybe today since it appears nothing important is happening right now.

I started training to run my first 5k a little over a week ago. Anyone who knows me knows I am not a runner. I’m proud to say I went 2.5 miles yesterday, although I did walk for a portion of it, I ran for more than half of it. My legs and butt are already starting to show the benefits, however my knees are starting to bother me. This is not a good sign.

What’s coming next miiight be TMI for some of you.

So Greg and I sort of… Haven’t been having the same amount of sex as we previously were. He was sort of avoiding me getting too close, etc. So naturally, I decided that he must not be attracted to me anymore, started feeling inadequate, thought maybe the end was coming (or that I would have to put an end to it. I need sex, people.) As it turns out he’s just terrified of getting me pregnant. "That’s why we haven’t really been having a lot of sex this month… I just really don’t want you to get pregnant." Which I followed up with "Are you serious? I thought you just weren’t attracted to me anymore." Which made him feel bad, and so I’ve been getting a ton of compliments from him now, which is a bonus. Does anyone have any good, solid information about the magic of birth control? He doesn’t seem to take what I tell him as truth, and I’m relatively sure he’s been reading wikipedia. Since the accident, he also apparently believes that he is inherently unlucky so therefore believes that that is why I am going to become pregnant. Help?

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January 24, 2011

Congrants on training for the 5k. I’m training for one too! As far as the birth control question goes.. When Nathan and I first started having sex I took the pill and we used condoms. It seemed to ease both of our worries. Recently we switched to just condoms since we are engaged and all. But I would do that: pill, condoms, and spermicide if it doesn’t bother you.

January 24, 2011

I’m training too!! Yay!! I’d like to run a 10k but I can barely hit a 5k, so I have some work to do. Keep it up! I use birth control and condoms because I’m paranoid, too. Within six degrees of separation I’ve heard of quite a few people who have gotten pregnant using only birth control (and one using both). I’d throw in condoms to be sure. Also, take the pill the same time every day!! xoxo

January 24, 2011

SOLID ANECDOTAL INFORMATION: i’ve been just pulling out for like 10 years of fairly regular sex and i haven’t impregnated anyone yet. then again, i’m just assuming i’m not sterile. oh yeah, TMI i guess, lolz.

January 25, 2011

i have the “sooooo, abortions. yea or nay?” conversation early in every relationship. fortunately, only moral degenerates who hate children date me in the first place so it’s never been an issue.

February 8, 2011

Hi! I stumbled on your diary from the opening page and I think you might be my twin 🙂 I’m in grad school, trying to get a publication out, in classes (some of which are at a Med school off campus!), and my field is vision science (so tons of neuroscience), AND I’m training for a 5k and ran 2.5 miles yesterday >.> Crazy! Where do you go to school? What field are you in? Good luck with everything!