So, was it a dream?

So after getting over being upset with how Greg handled my question about the dream I had a few months ago, I was apparently still a little… Subconsciously miffed? I don’t know. Anyway, he royally ruined my day yesterday by snapping my tank top strap to wake me up — to tell me he wanted to go home and watch tv. At 7:45 in the morning. To say I woke up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday was an understatement. There were other happenings during the night that pretty much made me want to strangle him. He wound up staying until my alarm went off, and half-heartedly apologized for being a dick. We wound up going to trivia with friends last night, prior to which I aired my grievances and let him know I was still annoyed from the morning. He apologized and claimed that he thought I was already awake and was just messing around. He then did a spectacular job trying to get me to laugh and smile at him during trivia, so I forgave him. I also can’t seem to stay annoyed with him once he’s actually there. And he apologizes. It’s fantastic.

Anyway. So we went back to his place and cuddled on the couch and watched the end of season 3 of nip/tuck. We climbed into bed where I promptly made him warm up my ice cold hands and feet and we fell asleep. I don’t know how long we were asleep, or what happened, but eventually he snuggled up to me and asked "Babe, are you awake?" which I mumbled something, because I was half awake, and he responded with "I love you." I laid there for a few seconds before responding mostly because I was so dumbfounded and taken off guard I assumed I was dreaming again. I then pestered him with "Do you mean it?" and "Did you really say it?" I think I asked if he really said it on at least 3 separate occasions, one of which was this morning. And he did. I’m so happy! But it does really make me question if what happened a few months ago was a dream like he said it was, or what. Either way, he actually said it. Completely unprompted from me. Win.

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January 13, 2011


January 13, 2011

to avoid future awkwardness, if you ever want to quickly check if you’re dreaming just pinch your nostrils and try blowing out of them. in a dream you’ll still be able to.

January 13, 2011

haha, i guess i take for granted what i can do in front of people without them asking questions.

January 13, 2011

Interesting. Well you’re in love! Yay.