
So my cat really doesn’t like me right now. Between rubbing acne medication on her chin and shoving antibiotics in her mouth, she basically hides all the time. I feel awful. I tried to give her the pill with peanut butter this morning (after first testing if she would eat peanut butter in the first place) to no avail. She knew I was doing something sneaky and we both wound up being smeared with peanut butter in the process. Next I’ll try hiding it in wet food. She doesn’t normally get wet food, so maybe she’ll eat it? I just feel terrible shoving it down her throat. And the accusing looks I get from her don’t help, either. At least her chin is starting to look better.

Pants verdict: I’m sending them both back. After cringing at my credit card statement yesterday, I decided that would be best. Especially since I’m not entirely thrilled with either size pant. I wore the bigger pair around yesterday — they were saggy in the butt area, which I’m sure was just as attractive as the muffin top I would’ve had if I’d worn the smaller pair. The fabric was also sort of itchy, and the waistband (although it was far from being snug) was uncomfortable. Honestly, I bought them thinking they’d be really comfy. And they weren’t. I’ll take my money back, please. I do have to say I liked the outfit, so I’ll probably be on the hunt for a much cheaper pair at some point.

I’m still waiting to hear back about the grade in my second class. I wonder when grades are/were due? Exams ended Monday, and graduation was also Monday (or maybe that was Tuesday. I don’t know.). I’ve finished my ass-kissing personal statement for the psychology department and have 1 letter of recommendation submitted. This is such bullshit.

So now I’m happily back in lab. Where I’ve been finishing up my first publication which will be submitted early next week before I make the drive north. I will be so happy when this is out of my hands. I’m so sick of re-writing the same thing over and over again…

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December 20, 2010

they were finally declared schedule I drugs by the DEA about four years ago, so you missed that brain damage boat. however, mescaline is still in a legal gray area!