I forgot what normal felt like.

So as of 6:30 yesterday I found out that I got my B in biochemistry. That means there’s only a very, very small chance that I’ll be sent packing (or, more effectively, looking for a job). I’m still waiting for my grade from my other class, which I need an A in, but I feel pretty confident about it. As soon as I saw that little letter it felt as if 50 pounds was taken off my chest. I can finally breath again. My stomach can finally calm the fuck down since my nerves are officially calm. At least for a little while.

Although everyone I have told about my good fortune was thrilled for me, I think the happiest person (aside from myself) was Greg. I guess I didn’t realize how worried he was for me. I mean, he made comments jokingly that I couldn’t leave him here all by himself, but he’s so hard to read emotionally, and I was so wrapped up in my own worry that I guess I didn’t take him seriously. He was basically grinning as much as I was and being super affectionate at dinner. He had to leave early (we were with a group) because he had work this morning, but he sent me a really sweet text about how happy he was that I pulled through. I really am lucky to have found him. Hell, he’s more than half the reason I stayed sane over the last few months.

Pardon me, I’m going to be a cat lady for a moment. My cat has a big bump on her chin. I have no idea what it is and I’m sort of freaked out. It was there when I came home from Thanksgiving — She’s a little special and some times has the bright idea to scratch her chin so hard that she actually leaves a mark, but this seems more than that. No, it doesn’t seem, it is, it’s a big, pink thing that is sticking out of her fur. I tried to put neosporin on it, then hydrogen peroxide (not at the same time and not in the same day), and although they helped a little it’s still there. Poor thing tried to scratch under her chin last night, meowed loudly in pain, and then ran and hid. I need to take her to the vet, but can’t afford it considering I barely have enough money to feed myself at this point. I think I’m going to renew my lease with my roommate, so that will give me an extra $250, so I can take her with that. And maybe get some Christmas shopping done.

I feel like I’m finally back at equilibrium. Oh, and I got a free coffee this morning for being patient at Panera when they gave my bagel away. Yaaay.


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December 9, 2010

I knew you would pass. my ex husband was just like you – always worrying he had failed every exam but in reality always passing with flying colors. sounds like your kitty scratched some germs into her chin and it got infected – hope you can get her to the vet soon

December 9, 2010

I NEED TO HEAR MORE ABOUT THIS SWEETIE BOYFRIEND OF YOURS. Congrats on getting a B. It’s not about the grades, but… sometimes it is lol

December 10, 2010

WOOOO. DO IT, GURL. you can’t fail out of graduate school because you are one of the few people who i can complain about school stuff to with the slight hope that it might be understood. inshallah, we will both someday become underpaid postdocs.

December 13, 2010

The anticipation that results waiting for grades to post is near unbearable. Congrats on the grade, and yay for awesome boyfriends!

December 14, 2010

Congratulations on your marks! 🙂 I hope kitty is okay.