
It is when I have tests like these that I completely regret my decision to quit smoking.

I have studied a total of 10 hours so far today for my biochem test. I honestly don’t feel any better about the test tomorrow than when I started, isn’t that just awesome? To be completely honest, I’d be happy if I just passed. As in, if I got above a 60 on this fucking test. At this point maybe my brain is just so overloaded that I can’t fit anything else in there. I also have no idea if I’d actually be able to sleep if i tried. I had a cup of coffee around 7. Why can I explain how and why nicotine increases learning and focus, and why caffiene wakes me up, but not anything at all relevant to the test tomorrow?

Awesome. There’s drunk people cheering outside.

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September 16, 2010

buy a pack before your test and smoke one extra hard while you’re walking to your building. you’ll probably do better than you think you will. just be confident and be like “RAAAAARRGASGDFKSD I’M GONNA KILL THAT TEST”. it helps if you’re on enough adderall to make a normal person throw up.

September 17, 2010

good luck!