Update and things.

"If we can keep from dipping into the meth and the cocaine, we can keep from dipping into the damn gummy bears." -My mentor during our lab meeting today.

"We should have a MARRIAGE party." -Reasons for getting drunk this semester. This was followed up by marrying animals. Yes there was alcohol involved.

"I know you two won’t know the answer to this, no one knows the answer to this. But I’ll ask anyway. There’s this gathering like once or twice a year on x road and there’s around 300 people… And a portable chimney. A big one. Do you know what this is?" – One of the Russians to me and my undergrad.

After talking about my stomach issues, we some how got on the subject of chai tea or something of that nature.  "My random cousin told me that in his part of Russia [there was a name, but I don’t remember it], they honor their guests by boiling milk and the tail of a ram. But not just the tail like the… The… Surrounding parts. Yes, the butt." – The other Russian

Hiding beer in a cheetos bag with a group of people who are all over the age of 21. Stupid dry campus.

A week ago tonight my policeman friend asked if we could be official. Last night I literally fell asleep with a huge grin on my face just from spending time with him. I just might be falling for him, and I love it.

Randomly running into a guy I talked to on OkCupid while he was working at a gas station tonight? Super awkward. He’s such a nice guy though. But he looks like he’s 12. And we never actually went out. He randomly recognized me while I was walking to work one day over the summer, and here we were again at the gas station. Random. My friends here are starting to pick up on the "Only you." trend in my life.

I am officially moved into the new place — there are 2 or 3 strategically placed boxes that still need to be sorted, but all in all I’m moved in. I love it. My one roommate has not moved in yet, and the other one appears to be moving out. Strange? Yes. Awesome? Absolutely. It would be fucking sweet to live in this place as if it was all my own. At least for a little while. The only downside: I can’t get anywhere on game days since I’m so close to the stadium. Tomorrow I am either tailgating extremely early or going to the pool. Pool might be the chosen option.

Too bad I’m old and my neighbors are having a party. Boo. I need to be more outgoing and meet people. Should’ve drank more at the soccer game. Oh well.


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September 11, 2010

congratulations, you are one of the few people i know with an okcupid story that did not end with a gonorrhea scare.

September 12, 2010

Policeman? Hi let’s talk. I love your rando updates, and don’t be dissin’ on the russians, yo. Ahem…