This week is awesome. *edit*

Not. Yes, stay tuned for another rant that will probably make no sense. At least I’m not seething with anger anymore.

First of all, I’d like to report that gargle voice is yet again sitting across the hall. She has been there for at least an hour and a half, because she was here when I came in around 1, and it’s now 2:45 and she’s still over there. So that’s sort of reigniting my anger. It’s great that she cares about her grades. But go study by yourself and then come ask your TA for help, you dumb shit. And go to the doctor and get your throat checked because your voice sucks.

Second: The check engine light in my car. It came on 2 or 3 weeks ago and my dad told me to ignore it because it was probably just because of the gas cap blah blah. Now that I’m going home, he decided I should probably get that checked before I drive 650 miles. So I took it to the Ford dealership. Where I sat for 3 hours. One of which was so the workers could take a lunch break. Seriously? Yes. So after sitting in a waiting room with loud obnoxious kids, an old man loudly chomping on his food, and the crowning glory of customers — a woman who made comments at the tv, and when I didn’t want to play along and make comments with her, retreated into silence. And picked at her toenails. Fucking. Gross. So finally everyone comes back from lunch, and about 10 minutes later I get called. My car is fine. I am convinced that I waited that extra hour simply because they didn’t feel like printing out my paperwork prior to getting food. THANKS FORD.

Third: The guy who talked to me about my car referred to me as "sweet heart" and "baby" on multiple occasions. And once I mentioned that I didn’t know about my warranty because it was technically my mother’s car, he took down my father’s name and number and said he would call him. Yes, I am female and cannot make decisions for myself. Thanks, asshole.

Fourth: I was hungry after that lovely experience, so I went through a drive through. All I wanted was a plain burger and a soda. So that is exactly what I ordered. Bitch hands me a bag and a soda, so I took it, assuming that she had some sort of competency in knowing which orders were which. No, she did not. She must have given me someone else’s order because it: a. had fries and b. the fucking burger had mustard, pickles, and ketchup and c. the soda was regular. Since I’m stubborn, and I needed to go to work, I kept driving (although I’m pretty sure that the people in the car next to me thought I was insane — considering I unwrapped the burger and started yelling obscenities at it while stopped at a light). I stopped at a church and angrily threw away the food since I fucking hate pickles and mustard, and I do not need to be eating fries. I felt guilty about it 5 minutes later. I hope a homeless person finds the untouched food and eats it.

Fifth: This was technically yesterday, and before all of the aforementioned annoyances, but fuck student health insurance. Monday I called in my prescription because I decided I wanted to skip my monthly gift so I could get laid this week. It was automated, and all seemed to have gone fine. I got a call a few hours later with some girl telling me that "Someone accidentally canceled all the student health insurance early, but you can pay full price and get reimbursed or call it back in later this week. It should be fixed in a couple days." So I was annoyed, but agreed to just pay the extra money. I wound up being stuck at work until after the pharmacy closed (4pm. Really awesome that I can only get my prescription refilled on campus.), and the same thing happened on Tuesday. So at this point, there is no skipping the monthly gift and the hormones are upon me, which explains why I’m so pissy, but whatever. I go in yesterday and ask if the insurance problem was fixed, and they ran my information. "Oh! You’re at the medical school. You needed to renew your insurance as of the first." (Monday, mind you, was the second.) So after leaving the pharmacy, I go and pay my rent at my new place (yay!), and go home. I try to renew my insurance and the shit just doesn’t work. I fixed it though. Or so I thought. No such luck. Now I actually need the refill, so I’m still going to have to pay full price.

The good news is that I’m going home on Saturday for a week and a half. I have permission from my mentor to not do work while I’m away, and I’m hoping this trend in events disappears. When I come back class starts and I move into my new apartment. Let’s hope for a turn for the better in events.


Regardless of all the previous things I bitched about — you know life really isn’t all that bad when it only takes a few [good] beers, some good food, and friends to cheer you up. Although I’ve felt like I was loosing my mind over the last week, I honestly don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have such a fabulous network to fall back on. Probably go postal. Whatever.

"It’s like I’m being water boarded with a coffee filter." and "Oh jeez. You drank the whole thing." (One of these refers to a beer and one refers to a soup. You be the judge.)


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