It’s a good thing no one can hear my thoughts.

Because I’m a complete bitch. Not to say I’m always a ray of sunshine with what actually comes out of my mouth, but I can at least hold in (or write on here) how much I hate the dumbass undergrad sitting across the hall talking to another grad student. Bitch has been here at least once a week for a couple hours worth of whining at the grad student. Or just randomly talking about shit ("It was chicken with the sauce and cheese everywhere…" just wafted into my ear space). Maybe if this girl’s voice wasn’t so damn annoying, it’d be ok. But it’s not. Whatever. I’m going to count cells downstairs.



2 hours later: Bitch is still here. Cell counting, as usual, has made me cranky. I would also like to clarify that I am in raging bitch mode because I’ve had some form of a headache for what seems like forever. Listening to this girl sound like she’s gargling rocks every time she talks makes me want to leave work early. Maybe I will.

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I’m a bitch too:) And good thing I keep some stuff in otherwise I don’t think alot of people would like me to much. Only person I tell everything to is my boyfriend, and he still loves me. Which is good haha.