Surprise, surprise.

This weekend has been full of surprises. Most of which were not so awesome, but I guess I’ve had worse weekends. Friday morning I found my "offer" letter on my door from my apartment complex. They want to not only raise my rent, but also require me to get renter’s insurance. Considering I wanted to sign a shorter lease, all in all about a $75/mo boost in spending. Since I quite honestly can’t afford that, I went apartment hunting for roughly 5 hours yesterday. The majority of the places I looked at were moderately sketchy, but hella cheap. The last place I went was basically an amusement resort for college students. Also way cheaper than what I’m paying now. So I’m 95% sure I will be signing a lease there — the only downside is that I have to pick up roommates. 1 or 2 roommates. Probably 2. So surprise: I’m moving in a little less than 2 months. Awesome.

After spending all that time looking at apartments I came home and showered. I checked my email while I was waiting for Greg to come pick me up. I had an email from my bank informing me of ‘suspicious’ spending on my card, and I had to call to get the hold taken off. Apparently someone in London was ‘testing’ my debit card. So they had to shut down my debit card and send me a new one. I love not having access to my money.

Greg basically told me that he was going to miss me next week because I was going to my aunt’s. He also offered to go apartment hunting with me. Both good, if unexpected, surprises.

A note to everyone out there: 23 is too old for slip n slide. I’m still hobbling a week later. I feel like an old woman.

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July 11, 2010

the idea of running at full speed and throwing myself against a thin, slippery piece of plastic seems kind of horrifying now. the lab i chose studies two metalloproteins: tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (metabolizes tryptophan, linked to bunch of neurological disorders) and pirin (transcription cofactor, interacts with bcl-3, possible target for cancer treatment).