
So everything that I was whining about in my last entry was fixed roughly 20 minutes after I wrote it. Although I found out that I also needed a biosketch/CV to join as well. As of about an hour ago I’m officially a member of the Society for Neuroscience. Yay! Tomorrow I have my first lab meeting with this lab. M & M will also be looking over my abstract and helping me come up with a snazzy title (and probably adding and taking away half of what I wrote)  tomorrow. San Diego, here I come! (Well, provided I get a travel grant…. Details, details.)

Next week sounds like I’ll also be actually entering the lab and doing work. It’ll be gross work, but whatever, I’ll just be happy to be doing something other than reading paper after paper. Next up on the paper reading circuit: Amyloid beta, mitochondrial structural and functional dynamics in Alzheimer’s disease. If I find it interesting it quite possibly might turn into thesis work. I’ll probably read some more of the cell culture book M gave me, too. What a nerdy life I lead.

In more exciting news, I think netflix is delivering the first season of True Blood to my mailbox today. Yay!

Time to see if the shuttle is running again yet. I really don’t feel like trekking all the way to my car just to grab my gym bag and head to the pool. But that might just be what happens.

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May 6, 2010

TRUUUUE BLOOOOOOOOOOOD <3 can we have a marathon when I come to your sister’s wedding? I’m not even kidding like not even a little bit. I have season 1 on DVD. AHHHHhhhh I LOVE BILL. Ok, sorry. Congrats on San Diego! Conference travel is always fun. But a word of advice: don’t take a drunk ass picture with the president of your society… like I did… hahahaha… good times…