jon and justins birthday celebration!

tonight after the show im meeting up with jon, justin, courtney, doug, sean , and a whole bunch of others to celebrate jon and justins birthday! i guess we are all just hitting the bars in the down town port orchard area, but some of them are really cool! hopefully if we go to moondogs i dont see that luke guy again lol.

right now im just sittin in bed feeling like shit still, but i know as soon as i gobble down some honey nut cheerios and drink some coffee ill be good as new! oh and take some vitamin c as well haha.

i talked to kimm today on the phone about lunch on friday and she’s up for it!

*clasps her hands together and shows an evil grin*

YES YES! its all coming together hehehehehehehe

everyone will be there to surprise her and she has no clue! MUAHAHAHAHA!

now i just have to make sure everyone can make it….

alrighty im going to go clean myself up and get ready for the day! lets see…first finishing some online applications and then heading to the gym! yup!

i’ll write later!


After the show I met up with Doug, Sean, Courtney, and Jon at the End Zone. I don’t even know why they go there, it’s soo boring. The place is so big, people are completely seperated which creates a lot of space and awkwardness. Everyone sits at tables that are far away from eachother and even though lots of people are there, the large room makes it feel like you’re in a library. Nobody dances, and everyone just sits. I like small crowded places that allow you to mingle and chat and bump into others! There is so much more noise and energy in the atmosphere! Which is why I pushed them to go to Moondogs!

I was designated driver that night so they all piled into my car and we headed down. Of course the place was crowded and there was even a live band! we got ourselves a table and started chattin away and people watching. I was really digging the music and wanted to dance so I asked courtney if she would dance with me and she said YES!  I COULDNT BELIEVE IT! nobody ever wants to dance with me! They are always too embarrassed! I WAS SO HAPPY! So it was only her and I, but we danced our asses off until the song was finished without a care ^_^ THANK YOU COURTNEY SO MUCH! That meant a lot!

Funny everyone probably thought we were wasted lol but I was completely sober! Courtney was pretty sober at that point too though haha.

After a long night I looked over to see Courtney just sitting there with her eyes open just a slit and a grin on her face. SHE WAS SO GONE! lol! Since she was starting to slump over I figured it was a good time to leave. Jon was just as drunk (or more) than Courtney except he was all chatty and loud! haha. It’s funny how alcahol has such different affects on people! Doug went ahead of us and took Courtney to my car while Sean and I waited till we were finally able to get Jon to come with us. We each had one of his arms as we walked down the block to where I was parked. Cop Cars were going past us down the street and Jon suddenly goes "I want to j walk!"



me "*gasp!* JON!"

jon "What!? They can’t do nothing! Oh wait I think my dad is calling me"

so we both let go of him so he could answer his phone and then he took off across the street!

me "JON! OOOH I’m not talking to you for the rest of the night!"

I wasn’t really mad, well okay I was just a tiny bit, but really the reasons why I didn’t want attention from the cops was

#1. I didn’t want Jon to get arrested for being drunk in public
#2. The tabs on my car are expired and I’ve gotten away with it so far"

Finally we get him to my car and he’s still talk talk talkin away lol. Then right as we are about to leave Jon says

"I’m going to steal one of the flags from the cross walk!"

See, our cross walks in down town have flags that people can use to get drivers attention as they cross the street.

Sure enough as soon as Jon runs over and grabs a flag I hear the sirens and a cop pulls in behind my car.
I’m thinking SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT! 

Jon puts the flag back of course and then instead of getting in the car he goes "Sorry Hannah! Don’t worry I’ll handle this!Hey officer! Hows it going? Its my birthday you see and…"

I don’t remember the rest of what he said, but the officer just smiled and told him to get in the car. Then he turned to me
"Have you been drinking tonight miss?"

Me "NO NO I haven’t and I am so sorry about my friend here! I am responsible for everyone tonight as the designated driver and we are celebrating his 22nd birthday!"

officer "ah I see! haha well can I please take a look at your drivers licence?"

I handed it over he took a look at it and then said

officer "I’ll be right back"

he went back to his car to check up on whatever cops check up on and i was hoping and praying he wouldnt notice my tabs.

Then he returned

Officer "Um you know your tabs were due last November. I could give you a two hundred dollar ticket right now for that, but I am letting you off the hook just because we are neighbors and you seem like a very responsible girl! (he smiled)


Officer "you live on the lake right? Long lake? Which end are you on?"

me "end? Oh well Im near mullinex"

Jon "Just say North end dummy"

I frowned at him and turned back to the officer

me "Well thank you so much sir I appreciate it! And I’ll get my tabs put on right away!"

Officer"Alrighty! You guys have a good night!" Then he leaned down to the window, looked at Jon and added,

"I was 22 once two ya know, and If I did something like this, I would have gotten away with it!" Then he winked and said goodnight.


it was funny twice the officer gave jon a pounder too when Jon put out his fist haha. That was a funny night. Poor Jon when Sean finally got him home (Sean was also not drinking that night ) he started throwin up lol. Man oh man I’m glad I met that guy. ^_^

Happy Birthday Jon!  (his actual birthday was on the 18th )

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February 26, 2009

LMAO I can’t believe the cop was so nice!! Sounds you you guys had a blast. Your a very sweet freind to surprise Jon on his birthday like that 🙂 p.s. love the new background!!

February 28, 2009

I was so glad that you danced too!!!!!!! NOONE ever wants to dance with me either! psssh i figure who cares what everyone else thinks! long as i am having fun! and i heart dancing! but yea… i drank way too much that night: 3 carbombs, 1 taquila sunset, 1 long island ice tea, and 1 rum and coke. haha… i probly could have been good with the 3 carbombs and taquila sunset! lol