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It takes a good poem for me to become your fan… and that is really a good one… great job… :).

Now I have added you in my favorites… I am your fan :)..

May 23, 2008

RYN: I nickname everyone I talk about in my diary, for anonymity’s sake. I don’t want my thoughts to have any ill impacts for the real people. In the first conversation with that girl, she told me about her panic attacks, thus the name was born.

RYN: Why the hell I never listened to the song.. its beautiful… Thanx a billion now I will make sure to listen to the song and will include it in todays radio show and thank you for adding me in your favorite list *smiles*. P.S.: You are so sweet as a person that you have all the reason to be there in my favorite list, not only as a diarist but as a person too. 🙂

It was nearly 4 in the morning when you left me the note. Do u wake up so early or that’s the time you go to bed??…lol.

May 27, 2008

Nice! 🙂