life with kittens ^_^

alright so ill post pictures later but for now heres the update about our kittens!
we got them last friday at 8 weeks old and they are sooo adorable! its funny how easy it was for them to leave when we took them away from their mother and prior owner….they seemed to know they were leaving, and seemed to know that we were their new family  ^_^
the whole ride home they played with eachother in their kitty crate that we brought, used the litter box, ate, and explored the car too! didnt mew at all and seemed to enjoy the ride. when they look at you…there is so much intelligence there that you almost want to look away ya know? like when you see a human staring at you! tucker (the one i picked out and just named yesterday) would look at me that way with wonder in his eyes, sizing me up as if to say "are you my new mommy? hmmm let me take in your every detail!"

they are both so little still, but tucker is still smaller than the other one (which still hasnt been named) but he is fuzzier because he has longer hair. the other one is short haired and a lighter color, while tucker has darker markings. both have the spotted coats and the m markings on their foreheads, along with the tufted ears and big paws and lightly spotted underbellys.  Tucker, however, has pretty much NO tail, just a nub haha, and the other one has a short tail just like a bob cat (hence the name pixi bob)
so it was decided ahead of time that the kittens would be staying in my room until they are big enough to venture into our huge home (we didnt spend so much money for nothing) and so ive been spending a lot of quality time with them! Im definitely happy i chose tucker because he is such a cuddle bug baby! he will mew and look at me and paw at me until i pet him and if i stop he will claw his way up to my shoulders and press his nose into my neck and play with my hair , stuff like that. he also follows me everywhere and leans against my legs meowing for attention lol. every night he has slept in the crook of my arm and sometimes likes to sit on my chest or sprawl out over my face haha. sometimes im like "dang tucker! havent i given you enough attention already?" lol and every time i leave the room he just looks at me like "dont leave me! where are you going?" which makes me feel guilty of course lol even if i have to go to the bathroom. and when i come back he emediatley jumps down from the bed to greet me. such a lover he is! ^_^

i like the other one too of course! its just that i like to bond with MY kitty, the other one is supposed to my my dads so im not payin it any EXTRA attention. but i do play with him also and give him plenty of attention as well ^_^ the thing is though, you know how i was just saying that tucker is a cuddle bug? well the other one isnt! he cant sit still! and he doesnt look for me to sleep with at night. he likes to find his own place at the end of the bed or in his kitty bed. not much of a snuggler he is. ill have him in my lap but he will only stay there for a few seconds, and if i pick him up he wiggles and riggles to get down because he wants to run! lol there isnt a nook or cranny he hasnt explored! definitely more playful then tucker at least. very active and interested in everything! very entertaining as well haha. i told my dad hes like the energizer bunny and should name him something that has to do with all of his friskiness.

so the funny thing with these cats is that we have to feed them only certain foods, or else they could get sick. and if we are the cause of them gettin sick, well…thats not on the warranty.  they have to eat RAW meat at least 3 times a week, but no beef or tuna! i guess rabbit is supposed to be one of the best for some reason. so far we have been giving them ground chicken about twce a  day along with their special organic hard kitten food ( i dont remember the name of it) …ive never given a cat raw meat before! its weird….but hey these cats are supposed to get to 23-25 pounds so im guessing the meat has something to do with that. cats ate raw meat in the wild anyway right?
Ok so you think they are spoiled by the way we feed them but check this….today, my mom came home with a huge 6 foot tall cat jungle gym thats all fancy looking like a home decoration so that it can go in the living room….its like a cat condo kind of? or a cat play castle? i dunno how to describe it haha but you know those things that cats can climb up into, onto , around ,through, jump on, etc… she also came home with a platform with a rod sticking out of it with a string and feather attached to the rod and when you turn it on the rod goes back and forth up and down and around, making the feather go this way and that! and you can make it go as fast as you want it to by turning the knob! its crazy! haha. oh and theres an electric mouse, rolly bell balls, a scratching post, new cat litter box, spring cord on a carpet platform with a fuzzy ball at the end of it, and numerous other things you can hold and play with the kitties with. oh yea and a fancy looking cat bed. what spoiled brats! thats exactly what my mom is going to turn these cats into! …sigh. haha oh wells.

im excited to see how these cats turn out when they are older! i just know they are going to be absolutely beautiful! our short haired one (not tucker) is said to be cat show quality. which i can already see. any who, so far they are the perect family cats and i know im going to really enjoy having them as new members of the family ^_^

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September 26, 2007

Hey – RYN: Yes, we were together 11 months….I know it’s quite a long and complicated story, but basically he’s been stringing me along for nine months since we broke up…anyway, thanks for the note.

September 27, 2007

we have a cat. we never named him, we just call him kitty or meow meow. his mom adopted us when she was pregnant, then she died a couple weeks after giving birth. and a week ago another cat adopted my parents house. i told my mom she has to keep it because it was too skinny and starving. so she named it pixie. it looves attention. anyways, thats the cats.

September 30, 2007

RYN–Lol yes it’s hilarious. My country is a corporate police state now 😛 I love kittens 🙂 My family has always been more dog oriented though.

October 1, 2007

ryn: yeah i already knew that. so that’s why i’m confused, cause i had no interest in him at all until he started all the flirty stuff. oh well, either way i’m going for it.

October 1, 2007

that wasn’t my voice it was my singers voice. he is awesome. i play the guitar.