my first agency class
i was up at the break of dawn, exhausted and fatigued from my lack of sleep from working so hard the week before but i was determined to make sure i was at class in seattle on time and prepared. and as tired as i was at 6:30am i would be getting up at 5:45 am the next day, so i needed my body to become adjusted. no naps for me today!
i already had my outfit for the long day ahead of me laid out on my bed. some professional kacki slacks, white kushioned sandal pumps, a cute short sleeved blouse, my cream colored,audrey hepburn,short sleeved button down jacket (it looks like something audrey hepburn would wear 😀 ) and my cream and auburn roped lining flowered shoulder bag with tiny leaf print.
before i left i took a last glance in the mirror to size myself up , satisfied i left with no makeup and hair not done (that was for on the ferry ride) and directions to the agency going round repeatedly in my head. this was to be my first time driving alone by myself into seattle and believe me, driving in seattle is no walk in the park. there are so many one way streets and people walking out in front of you all of a sudden everywhere! and its not like you can just stop and sit and think about where you are supposed to go because everyone is honking at you so loud its impossible to think! so then of course you’ve got yourself in a frenzy and want to panic…which cannot happen. my mom went over the directions with me 3 more times before i got in my car and left.
i made the ferry on time that was a relief! now it was time for hair and makeup! i dashed up the ferry stairs and was happy to see that even without makeup i turned a few heads. of course by the time i came out of the bathroom i was turning everyones heads. i had transformed myself! even i cant believe what the wonders of makeup can do for a woman sometimes! sigh, what would i do without it? driving myself off the ferry, across the west seattle bridge and to seattle was easy…the hard part was trying to remember which streets took me which way? because i knew i needed to get to 3rd but i kept forgetting the one way streets i needed to take! there were so many streets that didnt allow you to turn right or left, so i ended up going in circles! finally after reaching my mom on her cell i made it the parking garage.
YES i thought, i made it safe and sound! then suddenly i heard a scraping noise…. i didnt realize that i had made a turn too sharp and my car was scraping against the cement corner of the wall to the ramp. I…WAS…PERILYZED. i tried to back out the way i turned but it only made matters worse and scraped off some of the molding and paint. i just broke down and cried and cried and cried. i ruined the makeup i spent so much time on to make perfect, and just felt like my confidence that i was trying to build myself up to was ruined for the day. i called my parents and they calmed me down saying that i was alright and at least my whole car wasnt ruined and its only something small that can easily be fixed. it made me feel better talking to them, but knowing that my whole next paycheck would go to my car did not make me happy. I had no idea how much i loved my car till that happened!
the class was wonderful. even though i was there till 600pm it was great! i absolutely adore my teacher gregory. hes very kindhearted and funny, yet you know hes very serious about the business and he can be very harsh and strict. just what i need to bring the best out of me. in the class there are all 15-16 year olds except for one girl named kelsey who is a complete doll! im glad i have someone that is my age in the class. not only that, but i found out that kelsey had gone to imta in ny as well! the same as me! although, i think i can prove to be the best in the class if i work hard enough.
by sep 30 i need to have two monologues memorized (sitcom and dramatic) one commercial memorized (already picked out) my soaps and sitcom scripts memorized, my walk pretty much down, and 4-5 songs
picked out with the background music and memorized. plus my own magazine started with clips of styles and looks from magazines that represent me and what i like. im going to do my best.
damn, sucks about ur car. i say dont worry about fixing it, cuz if u do something else’ll break or get messed up. its how cars work with me and my friends besdies, the worse the car looks the less likely it gets stolen or broken into. my 3rd ward philosophy from houston was the class today? why would u have class on labor day? best of luck with ur assignments. Have a Nice Day!
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