caras house!

Yea, so right now im at my friend caras house in her guest house with my other buds megan and michelle. a bunch of other peeps were over earlier. Im gonna try to make this entry short cus im sooo dang tired from stayin up too late cookin these past few nights. ne who, im annoyed at mike. Once we exchange gifts im just not gonna talk to him ne more. hes a fag. i really wanted to be friend with him, but i guess we are just gonna be the kind of people who run into eachother every once in a while and say “oh hey! how you been doing?” and then go our seperate ways. cus he makes no effort in this friendship and i stopped cus yea it doesnt seem to matter ne more.
here some of my friends will say howdy:

Hello this is Cara. I am 18. I have boobs that are kind of big. I farted a lot tonight and I apologize to everyone because it sort of stinks.  Anywho I am kind of horny, but eh, what’s a girl gonna do when she’s got no penises around. You should look at about the gay song. Sooooo funny. Xmas is in like 2 days. Those Cheez-its stink. Hannah has no make up or bra. Mmmmm…sexy, huh boys? So is this all Kodiak people that read this? Are you guys gay? Im not, I like penises. I only like one vagina, and that is my own. I have a horse. His name is Red. He’s really cute. Hannah’s yelling at me to stop. Well, I don’t know when to stop. Eff her. Eww. Maybe not. Eff Megan. YAAAAAA! Hahahahaha byebye fagatos.

hahah….hmmmmm well um, yea my friend cara is quite an interesting girl! lol. very funny cara. well  heres another person who would like to say hi :

well, my name is michelle starr pearson and iam standing here and i have no idea why iam writting you all just to say hi!! well i’am horney too just to tell you you all and i will see you all later…woot

lol hmmmm….well…im not horny. so i guess theres diversity in this room. unless megan is horny too, then im just a loner tonight. ok yea she just said she was horny. i bet they are all wishin i was a guy right now lol. we need guys here. ok its a good thing im sleepin by myself lol. hmm. well today  has been busy and tiring, and im going to go to bed. good-night



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wow, very interesting. well inventory got cancelled so i had all last night off. i have to be at work at 5 tonight. i have to work 4 to 9 tomorrow. ill try and be online tonight after work. if you arent there then i will just e-mail you. ttyl

Yah Mike is a fag. He doesn’t try. That’s like me and Justin, he wanted to be friends but I tried and he just ditched me and we only say hi when we run into each other. But oh well. We don’t need guys like that. ~Cara