My birthday is in two days…woohoo for me. Ima be 17…no more sneaking into R rated movies no more, haha. Not that I had to anyway.
My grandfather is still in ICU, probably be there for another month. Considering that people are usually in the ICU unit for a few weeks at most, that’s kinda bad. I love how my mother thinks I have no idea how bad any of this is…I work in a freakin hospital and I have transported patients from ICU on many occasions. Whatever, she never thinks I know anything about anything. For her information, I know more about it than her. So there.
Hm, “spring break” is very interesting. First of all, the fact that they’re calling it spring break it sad because we only have two days off this year due to the strike back in october. We had our damn spring break back in the fall, haha. Oh well, atleast some good is coming out of it 😉 And for all of you who know me, uh presents are greatly appreciated on monday, because that day happens to be a very important day…hahaa.