Sooo…yesterday after school I went out with mandy, lanie, and anne to get shits and stuff to make t-shirts to wear to our concert next friday. Dude, we are gonna be so hot in our iron on patched out shirts. hahahaa…then i went to the movies with anne, lanie, and jeremy. Lol, we had to orchestrate a huge driving cover up thing cause my mom is mentally insane and has no confidence in my driving skills. She wouldn’t let me drive them to the movies, which was a problem because there was no other way for them to get there. So basically we said mandy was driving them and i would follow, but then after driving away, we stopped and they got in my car HAHA. Mandy had to got home so she couldn’t come…but I am the master of shadiness. I’ve had to pull this so many times…my mom is so freakin messed up about everything I do that requires me doing anyhting myself. She has this thing about me driving other people…excuse me, but I don’t think that I’ve had trouble driving my entire family. Whats the difference, god….whatever, what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.
Today, i had a doc appointment, and my mom made me drive she and I. Uh, BIG FREAKIN MISTAKE. She basically on the entire way there criticized everything I did. Go slower, brake sooner, so this, blahhh blahhhh. I wanted to literally swerve the car and KILL HER. I have my license, mom, leave me the hell alone. I obviously have been successful in my driving thus far, so I think I’m ok. God, it pissed me off so goddamn much. Ha, then she claimed that she “read somewhere” that she should still be driving with me. I can prove thats a bad idea; I might actually crash ON PURPOSE. Idiots…obviously the people that write the shit that she “reads” is complete bullshit…they have no idea what it’s like to be a teenage driver with psycho parents. Whatever, if my mom thinks that reading into shit and being over cautious will teach me to do the same, she needs to wake the hell up.
people with red hair… are generally… angry. lol, jk. My parents were like that, then I was like, “screw it, I drive how I like. If you don’t like it, then I’ll drive closer to the bushes.” Then they stopped, when they realized that I could control the car to do so, and be only an inch away from the bushes. 😀
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my dad says EXACTLY the same things when I drive. lol. and we’re so SHADY! haha, we were like, OK, RUN!!!!!!! haha, good times! anne
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ahh I need a girls night out… sorry I spend so much time with Alex, it’s just that I don’t see him during the week, y’know? And it seems that y’all have your people you always hang out with, and it’s like, wait, can I come too? RUNAWAY!!!! SOrry your mom does that crap, just please no accidents on purpose. They ain’t fun, and I’d miss you too much if anything did happen
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i hear the psycho-parents thing, woot to that, they should all die much love
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hahahahahahaa…..u cheap swedish bisexual whore…i love how u want to kill your mom..i feel the same about my dad..its so funny
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