It rained! More Coffee Tales.
I think people in Seattle need rain…like their leaves dry up. By leaves I mean brain and personalities. It was good for my plants to have sun though. It became my own little routine to go out and water them. It was annoying and repetitive at first but I rather like it now. There’s this orange spider that’s probably the same size as the width of a can of coke who set up her web right next to the garden hose and for about a week she kept attaching her web to the handle that turns on the water. Every day when I went out there she would scramble to hide her very pregnant self and when I turned the water on her web would get messed up. She eventually figured it out and put her web onto the house instead of the handle, she would still run and hide from me though until last week. Now she just sits there and does her little spider thing. I think that’s cool for whatever reason. She knows I’m not going to hurt her.
Speaking of spiders my friend Andy had a rose hair Tarantula and only Halloween we used to answer the door with it on our heads or on our arms and when it would move it would freak everyone out. The dads would freak out and then come back to reclaim some measure of respect from his kids. Well I put her on my head and got the door. It really freaked these kids out when it walked right onto my face. Something about rose hair tarantulas….they have two extra legs on their butts that they use to fling irritating hairs into things. It just so happened that she stopped with her leg hair thrower right in front of my eye and I could see her wiggling them… I walked over to Andy and smacked him and he just laughed his ass off. Jake and Matt, his roommates and only other people there, were terrified of the thing and ran away when I walked towards them. After some amount of time she decided to move to my should where I proceeded to walk her onto my hand, put her in her cage and summarily beat the crap out of Andy.
See those back little things? You can see them around 1:03. Yeah…I look back at it and I wonder why the hell we did that. That thing is huge. Eh…to be a kid again.
I’m randomly surfing through because apparently that’s what I do when I end a relationship. I wont go out with them most likely but I like to look…A lot of these people I would talk to just to be friends with though so I don’t feel bad….And this girls profile says, "I like people that are tolerant. You have to be a Jew though. I was raised Orthodox but now I think I’d be more conservative Jewish." Hahaha…oh, people slay me.
It seems like every person I click on already has their Bachelor degree. Why does that bother me? Ugh…I wish I was done with school. Speaking of school…it starts for me in about two and a half weeks and I still haven’t registered…I should do that…..aaafter I’m done playing on here.
So this story comes from Westlake Center. It’s about one day of odd experiences rather than a really shocking one. If you click the link you’ll see that it’s in downtown Seattle where I worked at Seattles Best Coffee. Westlake Center is a very cool looking place. There are lots of fancy shops, a train and bus station underneath the city. (I felt cool the first time I saw it…I felt like I was in New York or Chicago or something) and more bums than anywhere else in the city. They have to go somewhere. So on Tuesdays we would receive a food order and I was in charge of those orders and inventory so I had to come in at 4:15 rather than 4:45 in the morning…lucky me. You’re not supposed to be in the store alone though so even though I was the one with the keys I couldn’t go in until Gary got there. So I sat on our front steps and waited. A very drunk bum walks by and starts talking to me. I don’t mind talking with people so I talk with a minute. Well he got comfortable really quick and proceeds to piss on the building right next to me while talking with me. Gary shows up just after this and we go in….good timing Gary…So to get to where the bulk of the food is kept you have to go downstairs using an elevator. The elevator is in the main buildings entry way. Our store was sort of like a strip mall kind of idea on the bottom. So to get to the elevator I have to go through a hallway that’s connected to our store. You know the scene in the Matrix with all the doors? Kinda like that except there’s the only bathroom in that hallway. If you go into that hallway without a magnetic key then you’re stuck in there. I go in there and it’s pitch black so I didn’t see the sleeping homeless man that I stepped on. Someone that lives on the upper floors let him into the main lobby the night before. He sat in there for a while, probably to get warm and eventually saw the sign that said Bathrooms. Little did this man know that you need a code to get into the bathrooms and you can’t get back out without a key card. I let him out and go about my day.
We open the store and a little later three teenage girls, very high on ecstasy come in. They get food and I gave them three large glasses of water. A while later they ask to use the bathroom…we aren’t supposed to let customer use the bathroom as a lot of the time people would shoot up in there and pass out…these girls weren’t really trouble makers so we give them the code…Almost an hour later we decide to check on them because our boss would be in a 8 and we would be in deep shit if she knew we gave them the code. Right when we are about to go in they emerge with pictures drawn on toilet paper with make up they had with them that they made for us. I got an octopus with penises for arms and Gary got a robot with a wig and a large black penis. The girls thanked us again and left.
The only other weird thing was a large African man who pulled a wine box out of his backpark and started filling up cup he just asked my manager for that she wasn’t supposed to give him. She’s from Africa too so I imagine she sympathized with the guy because they could speak the same language and the guy didn’t speak much English…I can’t remember where exactly she was from but it was not a big place and she’s only met a handful of people from there in America.
Ugh…I don’t work until Wednesday…I called a friend, she should be here soon to go on a walk through the woods and I’m going to go play with Sarah after a while. She wants to re record the drums to the song we recorded last week. Onward and upward!
don’t worry about school. be proud you are actually going to college and doing something with your life! 🙂
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Spiders are cool. On the farm we had these huge barn spiders that just kind of hung out in our wood shed. My sister always freaked out when she saw them, but they’re cool. They would just hide in the rafters, not moving much or coming too close to us, but I’d laugh at my sister; she’d scream and take off for the house every time. Bahahaha
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