yes i have herpes!

Ok so I have herpes… but not really. I have canker sores in my mouth. I get them very badly. I use to get them everyonce in awhile, but ever since I had braces I get the damn things all the time. I told my doctor about 3months ago.  He put me on valtrex… and it really helps!  Its very expensive because I have to pay upfront with my insurance and then I get reimbursed.  I have a canker sore right now I just got done having one a week ago. I hate them they hurt like hell.

Im going to Cedar Point on saturday with Holly and I think Chad might go with us. ( )  I love it!  I dont care if Chad goes.  If Holly doesnt care and wants him to go then he can go with us.  As of 10p.m. I started my vacation! YEAH!!  gotta go to bed I have alot to do tommorow. good night! ~toodles~

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aah herpes are no big deal! like 75% of the population has herpes in their mouth. now if it was genital herpes…well thats a little different. take care

Have fun this weekend. : ) I’ll be away for a while but I’ll catch up on whats going on with you when I get back. Take care. Hope your mom gave the doc. office hell lol…

May 13, 2005

Thanks for your note, everybody is being so supportive and I really appreciate it. I don’t instant message, but I do have email, I don’t know if you’ve given me your email address yet, people have been giving me theirs and I haven’t been writing them down, I’ve just been leaving them in my notes and now I have to go back and find them. Anyway, if I do start to do instant messaging I’ll let…

May 13, 2005

…you know. Thanks again for being so nice to me, it really does help to get home and then see that all these people have left me supportive notes. p.s. I get cold sores all the time, they’re such a pain.

May 14, 2005

Hi. You offered to be there for me (which I really appreciate) so I’m taking you up on it. Would you read my latest entry (the one called “lost”) and note me on it? It doesn’t explain the exact problems in my head (thanks for saying that I don’t have to talk about that, it’s really hard and embarrasing) but it might give you more of an idea of what it feels like to be me. Thanks.

Good luck with everything, and by the way I know I’m like two days early. But Happy Birthday.

August 7, 2005

i want to go to cedar point so bad! we’re planning a trip there for next year. have fun!