
 This was kinda supposed to be my day to rebound.  I knew coming in I would only work about 4 hours today because as soon as I hit 40 hours, they’re like "Go home."  And I’m cool with that.  I simply didn’t have another battle left in me right now.  Like Napoleon in 1814 (and I just spent 20 minutes on wikipedia reading about the Six Days campaign; I get completely lost in thought like that sometimes), I’m simply nonequipped to fight anymore.  I was hoping for it to be productive, however it went kinda like this,

10:00am Got home

11:00am: Random internet stuff

12:30pm Woke up from apparently passing out

1:30 pm After watching a soccer game (Premier League is back!), got lunch

2:30 pm More random Internet stuff

3:30 pm Fell back asleep against my volition FOR THE SECOND TIME TODAY

5:30 pm Woke up

6:30 pm Actually got up

7:30 Finally got ready to work out

The jog was good today.  I like exploring the streets and neighborhoods.  Sometimes its calming, and sometimes not so much.  But it is nice to do something I KNOW is good for me.  Especially considering all the stuff I do that is COMPLETELY bad for me.  

The downside of the unscheduled naps was I missed out on watching a movie with my friend, which now makes it three times this week I cancelled plans with various people for somewhat selfish reasons.  I may be clinically depressed and I may need to see a doctor for this. That realization actually helped me make it through work today, so I know there is some truth to it.  

I finished a painting.  The one that I showed in my last entry.  It’s meant for a friend, Sara.  That story is complex.  The abridged version would be to say she is what it is to be possibly in love or just really crazy for one of your best friends, and not only that, but one of only two or three of my friends who is ALWAYS there for you and genuinely cares about my wellbeing.  Honestly, it isn’t something I’m all that accustomed to in my life.  Most of my friendships I have significant barriers built up because of shyness and not letting people in.  Sara helped me as much as or maybe more than anyone in helping me during my divorce, which as a mutual friend (and probably moreso a friend of my ex-wife than of myself initially) means perhaps more than the couple of good friends that were exclusively mine and would have been expected to console me.  I think a TON of that support became misconstrued in my mind as more than friendship love, and for awhile, we had a connection, but after somewhat kinda seeing if we were something more (without any kissing or anything physical), she decided we weren’t and it’s been a balancing act ever since.  When everything I see relating to her work or an interest of hers makes me feel sad, I wonder if it’s worth being friends.  I can’t bear the thought of her leaving my life though; she’s put up with a lot from me, more than she ever deserved, and handled it with grace and class.  And I owe her grace and class in return.  Some days though, I wonder, even if she might be irreplaceable for a long long time, if it’s all worth it.

Not the whole story, mind you of why I feel the way I feel right now, that story will probably wait until tomorrow.  The straw that broke my back for sure.

I’ve slowly drank everything in my fridge that has alcohol in it tonight.  I SHOULD NOT be drinking this much right now.  Yet I am.

The best part of today was when working out, my cat, Rocco, decided to use my chest as his couch while I was resting from doing sit-ups.  He was very affectionate today; it’s been awhile since he felt like that.  I need to pay him more attention.  That cat deserves it.

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Thankyou! I think you hit the nail on the head :p

August 17, 2013

we need to see this painting, that is my belief here. my standardized belief. yes. also, my cat is not affectionate but that works out because neither am I. Also, your cat will puke up a yeti one day, mark my words. it’s coming. PREPARE THYSELF. and holy **** does Texas not have roaches? what?? I thought for sure they did? is it too DRY? what in the world.

August 18, 2013

Friendship is always a gamble. And to your other commenter, Texas has roaches, they are just not very common in households here. Not like Florida. In Texas you find spiders are much more common household pests than roaches.

August 18, 2013

LOL My cat does that too when I do pilates!!

August 18, 2013

I decided I wanted to get better around January 2011,and it took from then to now, plus many sporadic relapses into drugs and 2 different men to distract me, to get to the point I am at right now. I hope your path is much smoother, but it might not be. I know you can do it. If I can… Anyone can.

August 18, 2013

I know, right?! People have chided me before for avoidance but really, it’s better than hearing my initial response which will likely just get me into trouble. At least I come back with a response, I feel like they should be happy enough w/that. Friendships & feelings… what a minefield. Impossible to avoid/impossible to be around. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Careful now drinking…

August 18, 2013

I’m leaving a note, more to remind me to come back and read when I have a few minutes. I’ll add you to my bookmarks – thank you for your notes 🙂

August 18, 2013

May I add you to my bookmarks list?

August 23, 2013

i was going to ask “how in the world can you go jogging in august in dfw?!” but then i noticed the date – the weather was beautiful the 17th and that explains a lot. but still, i can barely look outside the window here without sweating buckets. it’s time for fall! sara sounds like a gem, and i hope you are able to maintain a friendship with her. it can be difficult, but with your mature perspective on it, you can definitely do it!