
 Wednesday is my day off every week (Sunday is the other).  I like being off Wednesdays more; more organized, better routine.  Usually its the day I visit my family, but since I did that yesterday, I wasn’t sure what to do.  Sooooo I decided to pretty much stay in and do some much needed housework.  Among other things.  Morning was spent looking at my old computer (over 5 years old) that was stashed in my bedroom when I got my newer one last Christmas.  Obviously, a computer that old is going to be slow and buggy, and I spent the morning clearing out the cobwebs and putting it in as good as running order as it is going to get.  Which means I can now stay in bed and be online, which is always a nice option.

Days off spent alone inside can have one of two effects: it can either recharge me and allow me to embrace my quiet solitude, or it can drive me absolutely crazy being alone all day.  Luckily today was really more the former, thanks to a couple of friends staying in touch with me throughout the day, keeping my head on straight.

I also spent time on a painting.  I bragged to a friend I could paint her favorite poster.  Not quite finished, but close.


Painting calms me.  I absolutely love it.

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August 17, 2013

Ah, yes. Here’s one. Very good.

August 18, 2013

Wow! You mentioned artwork so I came a peekin’. That is an awesome rendition of the Tardis explosion! (Dr. Who fan, checking in here) You are a gifted artist!


August 23, 2013

great painting! i like your style, it is very impressionistic/post-impressionistic (which would make sense since you like that style and van gogh/monet). it’s so colourful and the movement in it is spectacular!