Rest and relaxation!

So I didn’t get sick over the weekend after getting the flu shot on Friday. That’s a first for me! It was smart of me to get it on a Friday so I’d have all weekend to rest. On Friday night I slept for about 13 hours, that felt great! Oh the wonders of rest and relaxation…

Although that’s an idea that my wife has never grasped. Even now while she’s 7 months pregnant. And I’m always stuck hearing…

"My feet hurt!"
"My lower back hurts!"
"My legs are so sore"
"I think I sprained my right foot, the pain never goes away"
"Any night I could get a charlie horse, my legs are so exhausted"

Then get off your feet and lay down! I’ve told her this a million times. There’s passes to pregnancy: Eat all you want whenever you want and lay down and be lazy all you want. She doesn’t take advantage of either. She’s always up finding new projects to do in the house (apparently that’s a ‘nesting’ stage in pregnancy) or just cleaning it over and over again

She’ll always want to go out shopping, even if there’s nothing to buy. Or go walk around the neighborhood. A little exercise is still good but not when all you do is complain about sore muscles. She spends zero time laying down with her feet raised. Over the weekend, we Redboxed a movie and so for the first time in her 7 month pregnancy, she spent an hour and a half laying down and resting

She wants to see a foot doctor after the pregnancy. I told her all the doc would do is advise her is maybe wear a soft shoe or walking boot and stay off her feet as often as possible for 3 months

She says she hates sitting around the house and wants to be out and doing stuff. Which is odd because before when we were college buddies or just dating, she’d always want to stay in and had to be convinced to go out. I’m a home body, I love just hanging around the house. Especially after 2+ hours each weekday on the highway for my work commute. I love being lazy in our new house in a nice neighborhood!

In about 2 months or so, there will be a little mini-me to take care of. I choose to conserve my energy right now for the infinite amount needed later

moral of the story: The world is full of willing people; some willing to work, the rest willing to let them

Have a Nice Day!

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