Every 2 years…

As certain as every 4 years the US holds a Presidential Election, and every 4 years there’s a Summer Olympics, and every 4 years there’s a Winter Olympics, you can bet that every 2 years I somehow find myself having to wear a walking boot…

My long-time readers know my history with this walking boot. Injuring my ankle in a college basketball tournament, having a softball pretty much line drive and hit my ankle, jumping off a fence over 10 feet tall onto concrete with bare feet…. ok that last one was 100% stupidity… but nonetheless every 2 years I injure an ankle

I don’t even know what I did this time. I’ve been doing a very moderate running routine. I mean 10-15 miles a week really isn’t that much. On Sunday I ran 4 miles at the park, then came home to rest a bit. Then went on a 3 mile walk with my wife so she could get some exercise. Then for some reason later that day I started having to limp. And as the day went on the limp got worse because the pain increased

I have a 5k to run this weekend, my fav event to run because it’s the Houston Rockets Run. I’m hoping lots of rest and using this boot for the week will have my ankle ready to run on Saturday, or I’ll just be doing the 2-mile walk with my wife with the boot on at the event instead, haha

Basically, logical choice: Wear the boot and do the walk with the wife. Testosterone-filled choice: Forget what may be bothering the ankle, put on an ankle brace and run even though it’s extremely painful to walk and deal with whatever happens after the run!

Oh and there was an election last night…

moral of the story: The result of the election was not the worst thing to ever happen, nor was it the best thing that ever happened. It was one man winning a popularity contest based on lies and false promises. Now he can proceed to have a mild impact if any at all in the next 4 years

Have a Nice Day!

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