
Oh, Amazon. What don’t you sell in bulk at remarkably low prices – cereal? Ramen? cat food? toilet paper? detergent? And with a student amazon prime account (free 1 year trial available to anyone with a ".edu" email) you even get free two-day shipping. Delivered right to your doorstep. Heaven. On. Earth. I’m currently looking into a buying a crockpot (er, obviously not a bulk purchase). I think Amazon owes me a discount for writing this cheesy plug for them.  

J did the sweetest thing the other day. We were debating the future of fusion as a potential energy source – I can’t explain why he’s got such a hard-on for this particular topic, but he does. Apparently, some new international fusion research facility is opening in France, and J was willing to bet $100 that in 20 years they’ll have a functional fusion plant powering a small village as proof of concept. Being less optimistic about the whole thing, I took him up on that bet. (Trust me, I’m getting to the sweet part). He then made an entry in our shared Google calendar for April 23, 2031 to serve as a reminder, 20 years down the road. And under the "place" description heading he wrote "the M-J Household."  *HUGE GRIN.* It melted my heart, it really did. 

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April 25, 2011

HAHAHA. That is cute though 🙂

April 27, 2011
