Here we go again…

I just love this darn economy.  I got a voicemail this morning from work.  That is how we keep in touch with everyone.  Looks like they are having severe (this guys words not mine) employee cutbacks.  I am sure to be laid off as I am just a part time associate.  And this happened to me a couple of years ago that I was laid off.  So I am certain it is me again this time.  The only way they would do something out of the ordinary would be to let the full time people go and keep the part time people and not pay any benefits.  That would be a huge blow to the company.  I don’t think that will happen.  The word was music sales were down 30% last year.  We bought the failing music company knowing sales would decrease.  Now they have a huge problem on their hands.  DVD sales are down 15% and book sales are not growing.  So that just means much more work for my boss who really has not done anything since I have been back.  She allows me to have the hours so she can keep me, meaning she just stands around for 8 hours some days doing nothing.  But hey I get to keep my job for now.

I knew they would do something after X-mas since they didn’t allow us any extra hours not even the week of X-mas.  My boss gave them to me but he is new and came from the failing music company.  He doesn’t know the way the current company works for. 

Hubby had an evaluation from some company that was hired to come in and evaluate their employees.  They actually paid someone to come in and evaluate these people they don’t know.  Then again that is their job.  So he said they rate on a scale from 1-4.  He got two 1’s and two 3’s.  You see he is a computer programmer by education.  But he is doing engineering work which he is not educated for.  So it looks like there won’t be any jobs around here for either of us.  Let alone the whole economy sucks!  So we may have to move.  I told him I didn’t know if Mexico with the family was a good idea.  He said yes to go ahead and still do it since we have money saved and we need to do it.  I don’t want to have any regrets in the future to why I didn’t do anything with my kids.  It’s our younger son’s senior year and we want to take him on a trip like we did his older brother.  He won’t be going to a regular college, rather to a technical college in town.  So it will be much cheape and he will be able to live at home.  So my thought of going back to school right now just doesn’t work out.  I just need to find a job that sucks and that I hate to go to just to survive I guess.

I am sure I can go back to banking but the field sucks as they don’t pay much in banks. 

I am sure things will work out.  They always do, it never fails we get let go when the whole country is laying people off.  If you are thinking about going back to school get in the medical field.  Everyone is always sick or taking some kind of medication.  You won’t see those people standing in the unemployment line.


I will keep you posted.



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January 11, 2009

RYN: I re-posted the pictures and you can see them now.

January 12, 2009

That is what I need too. I have to start looking for something but Olivia just started sleeping better and I am still not sleeping well. So, I am just sort of getting my head above water. Anyway, nice to know someone else feels the same way.