
Been very busy around here and not able to write much.  It’s only going to get worse as the season approaches.  Not looking forward to next week at all!

In the best news of all.  My sister in law had their baby at 2:09 this morning. Only after getting to the hospital at 10:45 p.m.  And no time for any pain meds.  That was quick.  Took us all off guard since he was born 2 weeks early.  He weighed in at 5 lbs. 11 ozs.  and 18" long.  He looks much bigger than that but then again they had him wrapped up like a burrito.  LOL

We couldn’t be more thrilled. It has been 12 years since we have had a baby in the family.  This child is going to be so spoiled it’s not going to be funny.  My oldest nephew is 25 so there is huge gaps in the babies in this family. 

It fun to enjoy now that our kids are all grown up.  I can’t wait to babysit.

More later as I get more time.  By the way does anybody have any time I can buy? 

Be thankful everyday.


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November 17, 2008

Congrats on becoming an Aunt again : )

November 18, 2008

I’m glad they are both ok!! Sometimes a baby brings new hope and love to a family.

November 18, 2008

Sheesh, wait a minute. Are you saying that this new life has a brother 25 years older, by the SAME parents? That would quite a feat even in this day and age. Congrats to the mom of this wee. Yup, do spoil her fine! Named yet? Must be, huh, for birth certificate. Nice auntie.

November 18, 2008

Congrats on the new addition to the family! I love babies! Hugs,

November 19, 2008

I have too much time. I’m hoping to be working after the holidays. I was hoping it would be in AZ instead of AK though. Time will tell, & soon as fast as time has been going. Congrats to the family, what fun to have a wee one to spoil. It’s hard for me to believe our precious youngest granddaughter is already 5 months old. Time flies.