Time for an update.

I guess I had not realized that so much time had slipped by since I have made an entry here.  Things are going well.  I have been working a bit more which is nice but then I get nothing done around here. 

We took our older son back to school in Fargo.  That is and I think will always be hard.  I couldn’t stop crying.  I felt fine taking him and didn’t have second thoughts and finally realized at the end of the summer it was time for him to go back.  But it was just hard leaving him knowing this may be the last summer he comes home.

He has decided to take pre-med classes next year.  He is only in pre-pharmacy for two years so if you can’t get into pharmacy school your junior year you have to take other classes that have to do with your major but are not on the required list.  When he took his PCAT (Pharmacy College Admissions Test) he didn’t do very well. You can only apply to this pharmacy school twice and then you can’t apply anymore.  Well he doesn’t want to waste one chance to get in when one of the requirements is a good score on your PCAT!   And a good score is in the 90’s and he only got in the 70’s.  So he will try again next summer when he has another year under his belt.  They ask alot of questions that have to do with the 1st two years of Pharmacy school.  He thought if he studied alot that he would do ok.  But he didn’t.  But that is ok.  He now has decided everything he has learned in pre-pharm he also pertains to pre-med.  So he is going to study both and then try and see which one he gets into first.  He is a good kid and he will just have to study really hard. 

Our younger son started his Senior year of high school this year.  That is a scarey thought.  He has no idea what he wants to do and he is taking the ACT test this fall.  So hopefully he will get it in in time to get accepted at the local school.  Otherwise he can go to the technical college for a semester and then go to college.  We will see, he may just join the service too.  That would help him tremendously to grow up.  He did get a part time job at a grocery store and just started this week.  I am hoping that helps too.  Kids they just fill with you with joy don’t they?

We remodeled our master bathroom and it turned out great!  It was the first thing we did in this house that we pretty much agreed on and then went ahead and did it.  We took out the old white carpet and put in heated ceramic tile which is so nice.  We took out the old cultured white marble top and put in black granite which I love!  We also bought the cabinet that was taller and then got a taller toilet.  We just need to finish putting up the trim and it is done!  I am amazed it went so smoothly.  I know I will enjoy it for years to come.  I am also hoping it will add a little value to the house.

Other than that, that is what has been going on in our life.  I really need to get my house in some kind of clean order.  I have our older son’s bedroom cleaned which is nice.  Our younger son isn’t as messy as the older one is so his room looks good.  I did manage to get out most of my fall decorations.  I love fall I love the colors and I love everything about it.  The trees are just beginning to turn here and this week looks to be beauiful with temps in the high 70’s.  I am going to enjoy!  We are having a fire with our neighbors on Friday night so that should be fun.  Always good to get together with good friends. 

I hope everyone is enjoying the last few days of summer.  Soon it will be fall and the days are really getting shorter.


Happy Fall Y’all!





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September 17, 2008

Little kids growed up and out into the learning world hoping to get into the working world in the field of choice. Big time stuff for moms and dads. Boys especially the moms. Heated ceramic tile in br? Sounds great but news to me. Like it when projects get done right. I picked up on the taller terlet. I think we need one in our apt. Maybe will broach it with landlord.

September 18, 2008

Having kids grow up can be the biggest blessing and the biggest curse all at the same time: I love the fall too! J

September 21, 2008

I hope your son finds his way easily into the field best suited for him. It’s so nice when remodeling turns out great. Bravo.

October 2, 2008

She smells awesome 🙂