Summer coming to a close way to fast
Summer seems to be spinning out of control lately. We only have about another 3 weeks with our older son before he heads back to Fargo. It will fly by way to fast. I am dreading it, but I think he is looking forward to heading back. He is going this weekend to check stuff out. I told him to write down what he needs as far as cooking and stuff like that. I think he will probably be eating out alot. I won’t worry about it. At least he will eat.
In another month the kids will be heading back to school around here. They don’t start until after Labor Day which is nice. Then again they are not out of school until the first week in June. Our younger son will be a Senior this year and has no idea what he wants to do next year. He should be thinking about what college he wants to apply to but instead he really doesn’t have any direction he wants to do. I guess somewhere it will hit him. He is like me, catches on really slow.
Anyway work is going well. Yesterday when I walked into Walmart I always have to go to Customer Service to sign in the vender log. I saw this cashier, a manager and a door greeter standing by the bathrooms. The cashier was on the bench and the greeter had a wheel chair by him. I thought well she came to work and she is sick. At least she made the effort. I went about my business and had to go and get an extra cart to put my returned books in. Then I saw the old man greeter rushing the cashier in the wheel chair to the back of the store. The cashier was crindging so I know she was in pain. Anyway, a couple of hours later this girl that works in electronics came over to me and said this cashier had a baby and hour ago and she didn’t even know she was pregnant! I said I saw them wheel her in the back and she said they called and ambulance. I am like wow what a surprise you wake up in the morning go to work and don’t feel good and ambulance comes to pick you up and you have a baby all in one day. Talk about overload! No preparing there. I did see that girl in the bathroom one time and she wasn’t feeling well, and another employee said maybe you should go home and she said, I can’t I don’t have any more sick days. I kind of felt sorry for the girl. I mean how do you prepare now that you have this child. Anyway I was glad it wasn’t anything serious.
I guess that was my excitement for the week. Probably won’t have much to talk about not since that tops the list.
Have a good one.
i think that was serious enough…
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how do you not know that you are pregnant?!?! seriously. i dont get that! RYN: i completely agree with you. i do not know how these people hurt their kids. kids are the most precious and innocent things ever. all they are guilty of is loving too much. ugh. dont even get me started. i cant read stories about people who kill their babies because it upsets me like crazy.
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RYN: i am on meds! lol. i take 100mg of Zoloft and 50mg of Seroquel for my bipolar. and they actually are helping me cope with this a lot. Zoloft works wonders for me. but yeah i wish i was still in elementary school! everything is so easy back then and so innocent. heck the only thing you have to worry about is when you are going outside to play!
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boy, that was a surprise, huh?
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RYN about the Kindle. The cost of downloading the book is included in the price or as Kindle users like to say, “free!” Most best sellers come out for Kindle on the same day as they come out for the paper book. The majority of Kindle best sellers are 10;00 which includes the downloading. Occasionally a Kindle edition of a best seller will be ready to be downloaded a day before or a day after the dead-tree book.
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Thanks for the advice. I am torn about whether she should be on our schedule because my babies dont seem to adapt to our schedules much.
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Nice background. I put a picture of both of them up 🙂 P.s. she didn’t know she was pregnant? I would be scared if something was moving inside me and I didn’t know what it was.
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ryn: EXACTLY!!!! i agree with you 100%. this is his child and he should WANT to support him as well. not ditch him like he seems to always do.
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whoa! She was probably shocked
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wow, talk about rock your world. The same thing just happened to a handicapped woman here in Alaska. Sadly she was being abused, & to make things even worse shortly after she had the baby she was found to be pregnant again. The second pregnancy they aborted. Sad, sad sad.
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