
Well there will be no Super Bowl for Green Bay this year.  They couldn’t keep it together enough to make it thru.  They had plenty of chances but it just wasn’t meant to be.  I feel bad for Brett Favre, in his interview you could tell he was truly disappointed. 
Maybe next year, I think he will be back.  I think he is driven now more than ever.  They will have to play some harder teams but I think they can do it.  I think the weather was a big factor in not winning again.  It was like a rematch of Chicago a couple of weeks ago. 
Anyway hubby and our older son went and had a wonderful bonding experience.  He said it was the most fun he ever had. It was the most fun they have both had in a long time.  It’s too bad the Packer’s couldn’t pull thru.  But there has to be a winner and a loser.  It was a great experience for them both.  They will both remember it for a long time. Our son wants to go again when it’s not so cold so they will be back next year too. I am glad they both got to go and they our son got to make it home from Fargo with all the cold weather.  He left today around 1 to head back and it is snowing.  I am praying he will call soon and let me know he is doing ok.  It was only supposed to snow until about half way for him.  It is still snowing here that fine stuff that gets really slippery.  I just wish he would call.  He always says he is going to and then I give in and call him because I have waiting too long.  It’s about a 4.5 hour drive back going around 75-80.  He won’t be able to do that today so he will have to take his time and it will be a longer drive until he hits good weather.  I told him I would pay for his ticket to the game if he promised me he would get good grades and make me prouder.  He is a really good kid and I am very proud of everything he has done.  I only want the best for him.  I am just so happy he enjoys his roommate and everything works out for him there.  He said they would probably get a place together next year if they could find one. But his roommate is on probation for bad grades the 1st semester so not sure if he will make it thru another semester so that worries me they will get a place together and it will fall thru.  Just hope for the best I guess. 
Well i am off to hit the treadmill.  My old club closed and I am just trying to work out at home for a while.  I really don’t want to go to a new gym.  I hate change.  I heard thru the grape vine the old gym might be opening back up some Drs. bought it together.  WE will see.
Have a great day!


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January 29, 2008